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年轻的驾手小心望。A young steersman steering with care.

像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。Like a directionless boat, it is seeking the eternal steersman.

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像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。Like a directionless shallop, I am seeking my eternal steersman.

这世上再找不到比他更好的桨手和舵手了。There was no better paddler , no better steersman than my brother.

下个子约翰一起上站在梢公中间指引大船进港。All the way in, Long John stood by the steersman and conned the ship.

没有理想的灯塔,再好的舵手也会迷失航向。Without ideal as the lighthouse, even the best steersman will get lost.

一阵风,两艘船,十个水手划船,还有一个舵手指示方向。One wind , two ships , ten sailors rowing , and one steersman directs both.

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女子组比赛除舵手外全部由女性出赛。In any Womens race, all team members should be females except the Steersman.

舵手将会随意委派,并不会按照队伍之特别要求作分配。Steersman is assigned by random and special request will not be entertained.

大会主办单位不负责向任何队伍提供队员,包括舵手、鼓手及夺标手。The Organiser is not responsible to provide crew members for any team including Steersman.

女子锦标赛之划手必须由女士担任,舵手及鼓手除外。Women's Championships are restricted to female paddlers only except the steersman and drummer.

像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。like a raft struggling in the middle of nowhere, I am searching for my steersman that belongs to me for good.

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但是,舵手以令人叹服的技巧乘着波浪猛地拨正船头,船对准了珊瑚墙上那个危险的豁口。But with enviable skill the steersman rode with the swells and headed his canoe toward the perilous opening in the coral wall.

你会觉得自己是一名娴熟的舵手,邀游在壮阔的大海中,亦或是一只大鹏,翱翔在蔚蓝广阔的天空。You will feel that you are the skilled steersman swimming in the vast sea, or a roc hovering in the capacious and cerulean sky.

也许在劝化之初,王重阳在综合各方面因素之后就已经把马丹阳作为后备掌门人的人选了。Maybe at the beginning of the exhortation, Wang Chongyang has regarded Ma Danyang as the steersman after integrating each aspect.

如赶不及在两星期前办妥,则请留待比赛当日在特定舵手聘用摊位以现金办理。Otherwise if such deadline cannot be met, please spare the check but pay by CASH at the designated steersman booking booth on the race day.

贵队如欲在事前先安排及缴付比赛日之舵手费用,请填好附页并在交回本会。It is preferred that Race Day steersman booking is arranged in advance. Please fill in the attached form and return to us at your earliest convenience.