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这就是哈萨克族的鹰猎。This is a Kazak falcon.

飞机被洪都命名被称为“猎鹰”。The aircraft was named by Hongdu as "Falcon".

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可以说,房利美低估了法尔孔。It's fair to say that Fannie underestimated Falcon.

鹰张开羽毛比两只鹰还大。The falcon was twice his size with pouted feathers.

猎鹰和我们新任的逗逼蚁人在这里有了场搞笑的对决。Our hilarious Ant-Man had a funny fight with Falcon.

空间猎鹰指挥官是一个典型的街机射击赛。Space Falcon Commander is a classic arcade shootem up game.

西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。Western Snowy Plover, Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

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西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。Western Snowy Plover , Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

福特野马是基于福特猎鹰系列小型车而生产的。The Ford Mustang was originally based on the Ford Falcon compact.

费特成功地跟踪了千年隼,从霍斯星系一直到贝斯平星系。It was Fett who successfully tracked the Falcon from Hoth to Bespin.

高玮编著。中国隼形目鸟类生态学。科学出版社.2002。Gao Wei Editor. Ecology of Falcon Order in China. Science Press. 2002.

成为一个骑士也就成为了神圣猎鹰帝国的强心与利剑!To be a Knight is to be the Heart and Sword of the Holy Falcon Empire !

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猎鹰搪瓷已自20世纪20年代以来,英国的家庭生活中的图标。Falcon Enamelware has been an icon of British home life since the 1920s.

黑暗尊主在这位绝地返回千年隼时截住了他。The Dark Lord confronted Kenobi as the Jedi was returning to the Falcon.

突然,一双秃鹰飞窜下来,从李翔的手李把。Suddenly a falcon swooped down and grabbed the sword out of Shang's hand.

“千年隼号”有一台极快的超空间推进器,级数达0.5。The Millennium Falcon has an extremely fast hyperdrive, rated at class 0.5.

猎鹰9号的首次发射可能会改变人类太空飞行的进程。The first launch of Falcon 9 could change the course of human space flight.

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像秃鹰、游隼、鹭鸶这样的鸟类几乎消失殆尽。Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.

驼鸟的翅翼鼓舞,牠的翼翎和羽毛岂表示慈爱?Can the wing of the ostrich be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

一九一零年六月,劳勃。费尔肯。史考特从英国出发要征服南极。In June1910, Robert Falcon Scott set out from Britain to conquer the South Pole.