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他们都批准和诬蔑某些行为。They both ratify and stigmatize certain behaviors.

我们将贬低没有实现这个目标的任何人。We will stigmatize everyone who doesn't meet the goal.

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但一些人士警告称,它也可能不公平地使个体蒙上污名。But some warn that it could unfairly stigmatize individuals.

我们经常贬低“依赖”,某种意义上,我们的社会就是逃避型的。We stigmatize dependence. Our society is avoidant, in a way.

许多穆斯林表达了自己的恐惧,认为这项法律将丑化他们的形象。Many Muslims have expressed fears the law would stigmatize them.

他们把这些命题贬称为“琐碎”或“只是咬文嚼字罢了”。They stigmatize these propositions as "trifling" or " merely verbal".

智商测试给一个孩子永远地打上一个烙印,导致的坏处多于好处。IQ testing stigmatize a child permanently, causingmoreharm than good, Das said.

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另一个步骤是谴责核武器这种不人道的、任何人都无法使用的武器。Another step is to stigmatize nuclear weapons as inhumane and unusable for everyone.

智商测试给一个孩子永远地打上一个烙印,导致的坏处多于好处。IQ testing can stigmatize a child permanently, causing more harm than good, Das said.

烟草业游说团体称,此举是“对吸烟者的一种污辱’”。Tobacco lobby groups said the move was part of an "ongoing campaign to stigmatize smokers."

布什总统的修正案将是第一个被用来诬蔑和排斥一个美国人群体的法案。President Bush's amendment would be the first adopted to stigmatize and exclude a group of Americans.

他们认为就业,因此,一个伟大的罪人和诬蔑他断言无罪的虚伪。They consider Job, therefore, a great sinner and stigmatize his assertions of innocence as hypocrisy.

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反对者警告称,此举是违反宪法规定的,会对法国的穆斯林少数民族造成侮辱。Opponents have warned that such move could be unconstitutional and stigmatize France's Muslim minority.

同时开展着眼于饮食及运动、但又不会贬低超重青少年的健康教育也非常重要。Health education that focuses on diet and exercise but does not stigmatize overweight teenagers is critical.

这些看法对心理咨询师的侮辱,其程度不亚于人们对心理疾病抱有的偏见。Those negative views stigmatize psychiatrists as much as prejudices against people with mental illness do in the outside world.

在这一类触犯当中论战者所能犯的最坏的一种乃是把持见相反的人诋毁为坏的和不道德的人。The worst offence of this kind which can be committed by a polemic , is to stigmatize those who hold the contrary opinion as bad and immoral men.

这一新兴科学领域的探险者们还发现,它令人害怕之处还在于轻率地和过早地采用这种新技术可能导致不公平地为个体蒙上污名。The explorers of this new world also find it terrifying to realize how unwise and premature use of this new knowledge could unfairly stigmatize individuals.

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◎支持教育计划,改变对各种族、性别、或国籍的现任或退休娼妓予以污名化及歧视之社会态度。Support educational programs to change social attitudes which stigmatize and discriminate against prostitutes and ex-prostitutes of any race, gender or nationality.

传媒影响力本质上就是它作为资讯传播渠道而对其受众的社会认知、社会判断、社会决策及相关的社会行为所打上的属于自己的那种“渠道烙印”。Media industry's impact is in nature to stigmatize its own marks on acceptees' social perceive, social judgement and social decision-making as well as related social behaviours.

我还看到难民危机、难民惨状或武装冲突被作为工具,用来煽动对他者的仇恨、对少数群体的责难以及为各种歧视披上合法外衣。I have noted that migratory crises, the tragic situation of refugees and armed conflicts are being used as tools to whip up hatred of the other, stigmatize minorities and legitimize discrimination.