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番茄酱,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,芝麻菜。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, parma ham, arugula.

他现在在纽卡斯尔,现在有机会大放光彩。He is at Parma now and he has a chance to shine.

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芝士,帕马火腿,烟三文鱼,意大利香肠。Cheese, parma ham, smoked salmon, Italian sausage.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,菠萝,虾,巴马火腿。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, pineapple, shrimp, parma ham.

南斯拉夫前锋米赫洛域头球破网为帕尔马领先。Yugoslav striker Savo Milosevic had headed Parma ahead.

马苏里拉芝士,蕃茄,现切帕尔马生火腿,罗勒叶,橄榄油。Mozarella cheese, tomato, parma in out basil, olive oil.

焗三文鱼,鱼子酱,生蚝配帕尔马火腿。Baked Tournedos of Salmon, Caviar, Olysters with Parma Ham.

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斯汤达在四十九天内写出〈巴马修道院〉。Stendhal wrote The Charterhouse of Parma in forty-nine days.

帕尔马前锋卢卡雷利受到禁赛一场的处罚。Parma striker Cristiano Lucarelli will serve a one-match ban.

美味沙拉配鹅肝,鲜虾,火腿,洋蓟和蘑菇。Gourmet salad with goose liver and shrimps shaves of Parma ham.

台风芭玛是过去两个星期以来袭击菲律宾的第二大台风。Parma is the second major storm to hit the country in two weeks.

帕尔玛火腿,水牛芝士,玛苏里拉芝士,新鲜番茄沙司。Parma ham, buffalo cheese, mozzarella cheese, fresh tomato sauce.

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核桃香蒜,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,干番茄,鸡蛋,咸鱼。Pesto, mozzarella, parma ham, sun dried tomatoes, egg, anchovies.

这周已经有了个好的开始,现在我们要着手准备对帕尔玛的比赛了。The week has started well, now we have to do it again against Parma.

巴马火腿,马苏里拉,芝麻草和番茄酱。Parma ham, fresh mozzarella, arugula salad filling with tomato sauce.

牛仔肉及巴马火腿下锅用橄榄油煎香,颜色转深即熟。Heat some oil in pan, pan-fry the veal in parma ham until color changed.

帕尔马正和尤文图斯就布姆松转会一案进行谈判。Parma are in negotiations with Juventus for defender Jean Alain Boumsong.

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非常适合搭配重口味乳酪或腌熏肉类,如帕玛火腿等。Enjoy this wine with sharp cheeses or cured meats such as Parma Prosciutto.

当时我正效力于帕尔玛,我必须在罗马,巴塞罗那和尤文之间作出选择。At the time I was at Parma and had to choose between Roma, Barcelona and Juve.

而帕尔马则是冬歇期过后状态最好的球队之一。Meanwhile, Parma have been one of the most in-form sides since the winter break.