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直接涂片检查。Direct smear examination.

我们这儿没见过涂油的。None smear oil on pin here.

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当心,油漆会涂污的。Be careful , the paint may smear.

呵呵,你还可以用来抹脸呢Oh, and also you smear it on your face.

这两根键只能侧面重叠。These two are going to smear laterally.

她把一点儿血滴到了涂片上。She spotted a little blood onto the smear.

用钢笔写的字容易被擦模糊。The words written by the pen smear easily.

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另两根是从侧面重叠的。The other two are going to smear laterally.

败坏工党名誉的诽谤性造谣活动。A smear campaign to blacken the labour party.

索萨先生说所有指控都是蓄意诽谤。Mr Souza said the claims were smear attempts.

可直接生饮、也可以直接涂抹皮肤及头发。You can drink directly or smear on skin and hair.

涂阳病人治愈率极低。The cure rate of smear positive patients was very low.

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关于这些关于有人散播谣言被称为有污点的竞争。Spreading lies about someone is called a smear campaign.

慢性期在涂片上往往找不到淋病双球菌。Chronic period often cannot find clap diplococcus on smear.

工党企图诽谤邱吉尔先生是战争贩子。The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

工党企图诽谤丘吉尔先生是战争贩子。The socialists were trying to smear churchill as a warmonger.

新涂阳结核病人发现率较低。There is a low finding rate of newly smear positive TB patients.

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你们就是狗屎,强盗,抢走和弄臭一切美好的事物。You are a dog's dropping, robber, smear and snatch all fine thing.

假如污迹太重,可用洗涤剂抹去,最后再干擦一遍。If smear is too heavy, usable scour efface, again dry finally brush.

最终,叶与叶重叠,形成这样的结构。The two lobes smear and I end up with something that looks like this.