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你对这个课程的专业有多少了解?How much do you know about this specialism?

然而,我们也不能避开专业化。We cannot, however, turn away from specialism.

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专业化加大了社会的离心力。Specialism enhances the centrifugal forces in society.

艺术的知识是总是被特殊的一群人孤傲地揭示。Knowledge of art is a specialism that revels in exclusiveness.

他的专长是博弈论,一个研究人们如何进行谈判的数学分支。His specialism is game theory, a branch of maths that studies how people negotiate with each other.

司法会计技术是查办经济犯罪案件的专门手段。Judicial accounting technology is a specialism means to investigate and prosecute economic crime case.

您还将选择两个选修模式,其中一个可能会从你的专长选择。You will also choose two elective models, one of which may be from the alternative to your specialism.

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问题在于如何在一个需要专业化的社会体系里保全普通教育及其价值。The problem is how to save general education and its values within a system where specialism is necessary.

它活跃于60个城市,雇用567人,并直接拥有1550处房地产,专长是城区重建。It is active in 60 cities, employs 567 people and directly owns 1,550 properties, with a specialism in urban regeneration.

福建师大历史学科在百年发展历程中形成了中国史、世界史和专门史三个特色显著的研究方向。There has formed three characteristic research areas in this century, including Chinese history, World history, Specialism history.

在此基础上,根据网站建设的实际经验,阐述了网站的创建过程及专业信息数据库的建设方法。According to the practical experience, provides the basic method to construct a web site of HVAC and specialism information database.

请在下表中填写你的第一和第二选择,然后将填好的表格交到教务处。Please write down both your first and second preferred choice of specialism below and submit this form to the Academic Affairs Office.

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在员工招聘方面似乎已经建立起一个固有的模式,然后传授给那些新的毕业生面试官。The people recruiting seem to build up a specialism and then pass on their knowledge and expertise to those new to the graduate recruitment sector.

本文从专业基础课教学特点出发,提出了多元化考试系统的构想,旨在突破传统的单一闭卷考试方法,创造一种全新的考试模式。This paper proposes a multi component examination new mode for basic courses of specialism in order to break through traditional examination method.

而伴着文化生产机制的形成和现代知识的专业化,人文科学的人文精神逐渐失落,其独有的文化批判功能也趋于弱化。With coming into the cultural production system and the specialism of modern knowledge, human spirit and its critical function is withered by degrees.

2006年以优异的专业成绩毕业,并获得上海艺术专业优秀奖学金。She graduated from the Conservatory with outstanding results in 2006, and was awarded the Shanghai Arts Scholarship for Outstanding Specialism Studies.

直到现在,那些想成为玩具设计者的英国年轻人在他们学习产品设计专业的初期,仅能将之看作是一个专业领域。Up until recently, young people in the UK wanting to become toy designers were only able to look at it as a specialism in the early stages of a product design course.

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本要点所列之专科教室包括语言、电脑、美术、家政、工艺、童军等专科教室。The specialism classrooms quoted here include language laboratories, computer classrooms, arts classrooms, homemaking classrooms, craftwork classrooms, and scout halls.

尽管新闻专业主义在此已生根发芽,但新闻从业人员依然缺乏良好的从业环境,这也就折射出我国广电系统运作体制上的弊端。Though the news specialism has appeared, the news jobholders are eager for better working environment, which reflects the limitation of national broadcasting and television system.

我是全英国最浪费时间的人之一,我还是办公室中无所事事者的典范。但到目前为止,我还没有在上班的时候玩过纸牌游戏。In spite of being one of the nation's leading time-wasters, with acknowledged specialism in office idleness, I have never, until this week, played card games on my computer at work.