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这样会使得凤头鹦鹉感到不安全。This makes the cockatoo feel insecure.

风头鹦鹉「雪球」酷爱「新好男孩」。Snowball the cockatoo just loves the Backstreet Boys.

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通常生病的凤头鹦鹉是冷漠的表情且外观憔悴。Generally a sick cockatoo has an apathetic, distressed appearance.

一只凤头鹦鹉从繁育者那里购买应该有一对完整的爪子。A cockatoo purchased for breeding should have a complete set of claws.

有个求职者肩膀上放着一只美冠鹦鹉就来面试了。One job applicant camein for his interview with a cockatoo on his shoulder.

有个求职者肩膀上放著一只美冠鹦鹉就来面试了。One job applicant came in for his interview with a cockatoo on his shoulder.

我可爱的鹦鹉。她的名字是凯蒂,她喜欢南瓜馅饼和苹果馅饼。My adorable Cockatoo . Her name is Katie, and she likes pumpkin pie, and apple pie.

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同伴国内鹦鹉最好的居住处应不高于比它矮的人的高度。It's best a companion domestic cockatoo no higher than the height of the shortest person.

他们都说,对于莎丽来说,一只鹦鹉或一只白鹦都是很好的礼物,但现在却是一只没有骨头的鹅!A parrot or a cockatoo would have been a nice gift for Sally, but a goose without any bone!

成功的凤头鹦鹉家庭是忠诚的接纳它不同于初学走路的孩子一样永远长不大。Successful cockatoo families are loving and accepting, for cockatoos are not unlike toddlers who never grow up.

虽然这只鹦鹉在遇到师父之前,经历过一段坎坷的遭遇,但现在他和师父在一起时,神情已显得十分满足快乐。Although this cockatoo had suffered much misery before meeting master he is now obviously very happy and contented.

充满成熟浆果香,复杂,极有层次,有完美的橡木味。The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz1999 has a strong flavour of acinus , complexity, gradation and perfect subtle oak.

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葵花鹦鹉的平均寿命是70-80岁,但是一些数据表明葵花鹦鹉的寿命可以超过100岁。The average lifespan of a cockatoo can be 70 to 80 years, but there have been some reported cases of cockatoos living to be over 100.

比如,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和印尼的塔宁巴尔群岛,豹和戈氏凤头鹦鹉被视为危害。For instance, the leopard and Goffin's cockatoo are seen as pests bylocal people in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indonesian island of Tanimbar.

一只快乐的鹦鹉将充满着探索和好奇,并希望传达出各种各样奇妙的发现以及人类珍贵的情感。A happy cockatoo will be exploratory and curious, and will wish to communicate a wide variety of wonderful discoveries and emotions to treasured humans.

八年前一只澳大利亚野生巴丹鸟撞进一辆汽车折断了翅膀,司机把她送到兽医处做了截翅手术。About eight years ago a wild Australian Sulphur Crested Cockatoo flew into a car and broke its wing. The motorist took it to the Vet in Nerang, Queensland, who had to amputate the wing.

在家庭存在小孩子或很矮的成年人时,一个小型的四脚梯能帮助甚至是最矮的家庭成员从笼子的顶部恢复一只良好社交化的凤头鹦鹉。In homes where children or very short adults are present, a small stepladder can assist even the shortest family member in retrieving a well-socialized cockatoo from the top of the cage.