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以至于他们的基金甚至跑不赢大盘。So their funds or can't out-run grail.

这就是食品科学的'圣杯'”。It’s the food technologists’ holy grail.

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圣杯在古老的罗斯林教堂下面等待。The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.

实际上,这本书是英语语法的圣杯。It is practically the Holy Grail of English grammar.

Ok的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.

这里有一个圣杯你在这吃的越多,你日常吃的就会越少。It's the holy grail of dieting eat less by eating more.

这种理想的疫苗是流感研究人员心目中的“圣杯”。Such a vaccine is the "holy grail" for flu researchers.

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这就像获得了通向毕博公司业务的圣杯。It was like the holy grail of the BearingPoint business.

我的翅膀疯狂地扑打着,圣杯却纹丝不动。My wings beat in a frenzy, but the Grail would not move.

可靠性是任何生产环境的圣杯。Stability is the holy grail of any production environment.

从这以后,圣杯文学作品分成了两类。After this point, Grail literature divides into two classes.

受格兰王之托以生命守护圣杯的老骑士。An old knight entrusted to protect the Holy Grail by King Gran.

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一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣骑士连接在一起。Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar.

单个全向声源可能是音频圣盘吗?。Is perhaps a single omnidirectional source the Holy Grail of audio?

还有些人相信圣殿骑士是传说中的圣杯守护者。Some believe the Templars were the custodians of the fabled Holy Grail.

有针对性的,非破坏性的治疗方法乃是实验性医学之圣盘。Targeted, noninvasive therapy is the Holy Grail of experimental medicine.

从此,寻求完美的红玫瑰一直是玫瑰栽培者所追求的理想。Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy Grail of rosaria.

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显著节约成本的重用一直是软件工程的“圣杯”。Economically significant reuse has always been a holy grail of software engineering.

“于是你就知道是一个有非凡想象力的诗人弄出了圣杯这个东西”。So you've got a poet with a remarkable imagination who invents the idea of the Grail.

我们不停的买进卖出不同品牌的相机和镜头,为了有一天能到达锐度的天堂。We buy and sell different brands of cameras in search of the holy grail of sharpness.