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他洞察力的深远不可衡量。The deepness of his insight is unmeasurable.

我们说,深度在逐步增加。We say that the deepness gradually increases.

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深度近视用什么办法来恢复视力?With what method deepness myopia restores vision?

它具有良好的药用价值和深度开发利用价值。It has good officinal value and deepness development to use value.

他们对工作的热情源自对计算机行业的浓厚兴趣。Their fervency is originated from deepness to computer industry interest in job.

此外,还分析了渗层深度及硬度随放电间隙不同的变化规律。Besides, deepness and hardness of layer variable with discharge distance was analysed.

瑜伽,健康的姿势,还有适量的锻炼能帮助我们提高呼吸的深度。Yoga, healthy posture, and proper exercise can help us increase our deepness of breath.

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柜子深度不要太深,假如拿个杯子要越过其他物件则不方便。Cabinet deepness does not want too deep, if take a glass, should cross other thing no-go.

死铁层深度加大时,通过炉底的铁水流量减小。The increase of the deepness of the tap hole will reduce the flow on the bottom of hearth.

但是中国这种对“丑”的认识还不具备西方近现代审丑的哲学深度和社会基础。But consciousness of ugliness don'tpossess its philosophy deepness and social basis like it in west.

初步尝试利用观察比较法确定光纤测量深度,保证每次光纤浸入深度相同。Observation-comparison method is adopted to ensure the deepness of fiber in the sample to be identical.

认为深度血液稀释并中低温CPB全程采用高流量灌注更加合理。Think deepness blood dilute is medium microtherm CPB whole journey uses high flow perfusion more reasonable.

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但这些论文的内容却有明显的重复性,缺乏新意和深度。However, the content of those papers had obvious repetitiveness, which was short of new viewpoint and deepness.

人工林地、草地土壤有机碳含量均随土壤深度增加而减少。The soil organic carbon contents of plantation lands and grassplots decreased with the increase of soil deepness.

但我国性社会学方面的研究无论是深度还是广度还没有达到理想的水平,需要社会学者进一步的突破。But not only the deepness but also the horizontal range have not reached the ideal level, we need further breakthrough.

泳池将有足够的深度和非滑天然石材覆盖对左右,不锈钢楼梯。Swimming pools will have enough deepness and non slip natural stone covering on the around, with stainless steel stairs.

信息技术发展的深度决定着设计师可在多大程度上利用信息技术为自己服务。To what extent that the designer can make use of communication technology is determined by the deepness of the technology.

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自来水与再生水大部分指标,随着土壤深度的加深而逐渐减弱,而雨水则正好相反。In company with the deepness of soil deepen mostly indices of tap water and recycled water wear off therefore rainwater diverse.

利用极限分析原理对土体中泥浆护壁深钻孔的极限孔深问题进行计算研究。The limit deepness of deep bore-hole with mud dado in the soils is calculated and analysed by adopting theory of limit analysis.

适当增加元明粉用量,染色深度、鲜艳度有较大幅度的改善。It shows that this method can improve the fastness, and has good effects on deepness and brightness when adding more sodium sulfate.