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母液可以循环使用,溶剂可以回收。The recovered solvent and mother solution can be circulative used.

把这种循环性的发展视为一种无重量的经济会更恰当一些。Regard development of this kind of circulative as a kind of imponderable economy the meeting is a few more appropriate.

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通过一系列室内试验,研究了黄河口粉质类沉积物在循环动荷载作用后侵蚀性的变化。In order to study the silty sediment erosion variety under the dynamic circulative loading, a series of indoor tests were processed.

中国古代小说的时间观实乃一种循环的、混沌式的时间观,与基督宗教的时间观大异其趣。The time concept in Chinese classical works is actually a circulative and Taoist one, which differs a great deal from that in Christianity.

本文运用循环型经济社会理论分析了解决我国城市垃圾问题的途径与对策。Employing circulative economics and society theory , this paper analyses the countermeasure and the way to solve the civil garbage problem of China.

加氢裂化装置空气预热器翅片管经常发生腐蚀,同时产生了大量的腐蚀产物堵塞空气预热器,造成预热器流通不好。The corrosion often happens to the tubes of air pre-heaters in hydrocracking plants and blocks air pre-heaters so much, that the circulative effect is not well.

在分析软件系统设计方法的基础上,对控制循环性生产过程的PLC系统设计方法进行了探讨。Based on the analysis of its software design method, a normal method of PLC software's development is discussed especially for the circulative production process.

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具体性包含“有机统一性”、“抽象到具体的过程性”、“正一反一合公式”及“圆圈式过程”四层含义。The specification includes organic unity, the process from "abstract lo specification", the formula of positive-negative to composite and the circulative process.

在我国城市商贸业得到显著发展的今天,构建我国农村现代流通网,大力发展农村商贸业有着极其重要的战略意义。It's of strategic importance to build rural modern circulative net and develop rural commerce in China when China has made great progress on developing urban commerce.

以“问题—对策—响应”为基础,提出了区域可持续发展政策的形成、运作及优化模式。At last the paper builds the circulative model of sustainable development policy formulation, practices and optimization on the basis of "problem-countermeasure-response".

本文概述了地震道奇性特征的意义,提出了一种子波分离、反褶积循环迭代奇性分析算法。The meaning of singularity of seismic trace is sketched here. A circulative iteration algorithm of deconvolution and singularity analysis is used to achieve wavelet separation.

发展循环农业必须有科技创新的支撑,农业科技推广服务是发展循环农业的重要环节。The development of circulative agriculture must be dependent on the innovation of science and technology and the spreading of science and technology service for agriculture as well.

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通过实施住房抵押贷款证券化,将抵押贷款二级市场上丰富的社会资金源源不断地泵入抵押贷款市场一级市场,将有助于这一问题的有效解决。Implementing the mortgage-backed securitization can pump plenty capital from the circulative market to the issuing market continuously, so it is helpful to solve the problem effectively.

其实现机制体现在五阶段的“动态循环累进过程”和基于四层次网络的两渠道区域创新环境形成方式。Its realization mechanism is embodied in the five stages of the dynamic circulative accumulation and the two channels of for ming regional innovative environment based on the four-tier network.