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我们得把这些可恶的苍蝇消灭掉。We must get rid of these pestilential flies.

你没有名字,或许叫瘟猪!You haven't name , Perhaps you are pestilential pig !

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我们得把这些可恶的苍蝇消灭掉。Rid of 1, We must get rid of these pestilential flies.

想象一下应付飞进你们中间的引起瘟疫的臭弹。imagine coping with pestilential stink bombs flying into your midst.

这倒霉地方唯一可看到的住人的地方就是那几间小屋。A few huts were the only habitations to be seen in these pestilential regions.

许多人靠这条水质受污、可致疫病的河流来取水。Many people were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.

疫病是由感受疫疠之气引起的一种具有强烈传染性的疾病。Pestilence is a fierce and infective disease which is caused by the pestilential pathogen.

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如杰斐逊所言,城市“毒害了人类的精神、体和自由”。As Jefferson said, cities are pestilential to the morals, the health, and the liberties of man.

没有一丝光线能透进这瘟疫般的地牢,驱散其阴冷。No ray of light was allowed to penetrate that pestilential dungeon or to warm its icy-coldness.

它们首先袭击两个孩子,缠在他们身上,对著他们的面孔喷毒气。They first attacked the children, winding round their bodies and breathing their pestilential breath in their faces.

开始起了活跃作用,让他不堪继续在这里待下去的,是一个极其令人讨厌的年轻人,名叫巴斯托。What had begun actively to make the place impossible was a perfectly pestilential young man of the name of Barstowe.

目前,巴黎疾病已扩散到以卢浮宫为中心的方圆五法里地区。At the present hour, the radiation of diseases from Paris extends to fifty leagues around the Louvre, taken as the hub of this pestilential wheel.

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至于痛苦的地狱,人们认为该死的将住在疫风和在滚烫的水,并在阴影中的黑烟。As to the torments of hell, it is believed that the damned will dwell amid pestilential winds and in scalding water, and in the shadow of a black smoke.

故事围绕两兄弟和一个难民营内的越南少女的反叛爱情关系,题材敏惑,充满戾气。The story rebels against love relations regarding in two brothers and a refugee camp's Vietnamese young girl, the theme is puzzled sensitively, fills the pestilential airs.

此前被形容为像瘟疫一般横扫上班族的“开心网”被指缺乏新意而渐遭嫌弃。" be to resemble office worker of pestilential and general sweep anything away by appearance before this " happy net " be pointed to to lack new idea and cold-shoulder gradually.

如果你看见老鼠了,那当时怎么不去帮助这位不幸被咬的市民——先帮他躲开,然后杀掉那只啮齿动物,由此为公众解除一次瘟疫的危险?If you saw the rat, why did you then not aid this unhappy citizen who was bitten by it--first, to avoid that rodent, and subsequently to slay it, thereby relieving the public of a pestilential danger?