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如果我不更爱我的荣名。Loved I not Honour more.

造像即是尊敬。To portray is to honour.

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我拒绝兑现你的票据。I refuse to honour your bill.

对我而言,这是一项伟大的荣誉For me this is a great honour.

他是一个令他的家人感到光荣的人。He is an honour to his family.

荣誉和私利不能睡在一起。Honour and profit lie not sack.

我们向客人表示敬意。We showed honour to our guests.

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恶劣行径带不来荣誉。An ill deed cannot bring honour.

童军的荣誉是可信赖的。Scout's honour is to be trusted.

她牺牲荣誉以换取财富。She exchanged honour for wealth.

可否请您赏光?Will you honour me with a visit?

光荣归于人民。The honour belongs to the people.

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今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。On this day I honour yousincerely.

仪仗队正在集合。The guard of honour are gathering.

光荣之死,流芳百世。A fair death honour the whole life.

他在光荣榜上名列第一。He stands first on the honour list.

可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗?。May I have the honour of this dance?

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她在光荣榜上名列第一。She stands first on the honour list.

我保证一个人也不会受到伤害。None will be hit, I pledge my honour.

他的成功给他带来了荣誉。His success redounded honour upon him.