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他被赋予了新的笔芯。He was given a fresh refill.

喝完吧,接着我再给你斟满。Drink up then I'll refill your glass.

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但是我还需要,拜托,帮我加满这次就好。Please. Refill it for me just this once.

拖把头可替换,可机洗。Replaceable mop refill machine washable.

这个瓶子在重新装东西之前必须先冲洗干净。The bottle must be rinsed out before you refill it.

大多数餐馆所供应的茶或咖啡可以免费续杯。Most restaurants serve tea or coffee with free refill.

当总线空闲下来时,它可以重新填充额外的缓冲区。When the bus is free, it can refill the extra buffers.

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我们出售的每支圆珠笔都带有一个备用笔芯。We include a refill with every ballpointed pen we sell.

你想吃多少就可以回去夹满你的盘子。You can go back to refill your plate as often as you like.

重新放入喷雾剂,留意喷嘴必须向外。Re-insert the refill can. Ensure the nozzle faces outwards.

它们可终结旱象、为湖泊与水库补充蓄水量。They can end a drought and refill lakes and water reservoirs.

喝一点葡萄酒对你没什么坏处的。让我为你续满一杯吧。A little wine won't do you any harm. Let me refill your glass.

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在再打开电力或天然气前把水补充满。Refill the tank before turning the gas or electricity back on.

能不能请给这支圆珠笔每种颜色配两根替换笔芯?。Can you give me two refill of each color for the ballpoint pen?

把水放近些,这样一天里就能补充水分。Keep a water bottle close that you can refill throughout the day.

当天晚上,有位客人来共进晚餐,这位客人想倒杯红酒。Later that evening, a guest a dinner goes to refill his wine glass.

反复灌满过滤Bobble享受更好的水,节省金钱。Refill bobble over and over again to enjoy better water. Save money.

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露得清卸妆洁面纸巾,补充包,25计数。Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, Refill Pack, 25 Count.

Bob去厨房续咖啡去了。Bob picked up his latte cup and ambled off to the kitchen for a refill.

这款圆珠笔备有丝绒笔套,内里的笔芯质量卓越,并可更换。It comes in a velvet pouch and the high-quality refill can be replaced.