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这所房子盖得很粗陋。This is a crudely built house.

女帽面板本身是粗糙的做。The bonnet panel itself is crudely made.

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残酷地讲,乔治.奥维尔是所有人的婊子。Crudely put, George Orwell is anyone’s bitch.

我现在终于知道我的母亲为什么会那么狠心的对我了!Now I really know that why my mother treat me so crudely !

在同一时间内,莫雷诺对蔓德尔机会主义的反对被粗略地表达出来。At the same time, Moreno's opposition to Mandel's opportunism was ex-pressed crudely.

多数报告是含糊不清的,充满了前后不一致的细节,甚至就是粗制滥造的。Most of the reports are vague, filled with incongruent detail, or crudely fabricated.

她在试图非常直截了当地增进伊万卡的利益,由此让总统一家受惠。She is attempting quite crudely to enrich Ivanka and therefore the president's family.

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他们穿着粗劣拼缀的衣物,使用棍棒之类简陋的武器。They wear crudely stitched-together clothing, and use simple weapons and tools like clubs and staves.

虽然泥人和面人制作粗糙,但人物姿态夸张、色彩明亮,颇受大众喜爱。Though crudely made, these clay and dough toys are much liked for their exaggerated postures and bright colors.

但实践中生活和游戏却被生硬割裂,甚至生活变成了“日常生活”的摹本。However, reality and recreation are separated crudely in practice, or even reality becomes the copy of daily life.

粗略统计,少于3小时的旅程,普通机车比高铁更有优势,而多于3小时的飞机占优。Crudely put, the locomotive is better for train journeys of less than three hours – more than that the plane takes over.

广告对于商家的作用是巨大的,合理利用可以促进销售,但粗制滥造会引起反作用。The role of the advertising business is enormous, reasonable use can promote sales, but would be counterproductive crudely made.

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除此之外,对粗略地叫做“科学—宗教界面”的那种东西的兴趣,广泛复苏。In addition, there has been an enormous resurgence of interest in what might be crudely described as the science-religion interface.

结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more.

我们对这个问题的认识大多来自对脑损伤的研究,根据不同脑区损伤后的主要表现,可以大致推测各部位的功能。Much of what we do know comes from studying brain injuries, which let us crudely infer the function of various areas based on the apparent effects of the wounds.

因为明显的牙齿突出,他们常常被粗鲁的形容为“长牙脸”,不过没有谁敢当着韦菲德人的面无所顾忌的喊出这个名字。For their notable dental protrusions, they are often crudely referred to as "Tooth-faces, " though few would dare openly call a Whiphid by that unflattering name.

RNA与蛋白质的原生系统,能逐步发展出复制其分子部件的能力。刚开始并不精致,但之后越来越有效率。A prebiotic system of RNAs and proteins could have gradually developed the ability to replicate its molecular parts, crudely at first but then ever more efficiently.

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就在昨天,一直饱受揶揄的美国人民终于挺身站到历史的风暴眼中,为了自己和世界而毅然选择变革。So often crudely caricatured by others, the American people yesterday stood in the eye of history and made an emphatic choice for change for themselves and the world.

这些山脉环绕着地球,就像是把一个足球胡乱缝起来的缝线。Today, that mountain range still zigzags down the Atlantic and across the South Pacific and through the lower Indian Ocean, wrapping the globe like a crudely stitched soccer ball.

时至今日,那些山脉在大西洋海底曲折蜿蜒,又穿过了南太平洋,延伸到了更低的印度洋,这些山脉将地球包裹了起来,就像缝了一个破破烂烂的足球。Today, that mountain range still zigzags down the Atlantic and across the South Pacific and through the lower Indian Ocean, wrapping the globe like a crudely stitched soccer ball.