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若能以此去处事,一生安乐任逍遥。If can go in this life, happiness as free and unfettered.

这种不被束缚的未来是我今后自己时间和空间的承诺。This unfettered future was the promise of my time and place.

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他拥有追求自由无拘生活的巨大勇气。He possesses great courage to pursue free and unfettered life.

你说在哪一点上此刻是文化自由交流的大好时机?At what point do you say now is the time for unfettered cultural exchange?

自由市场没了精明官僚的拘束让世界变成今天这个样子。Our free market, unfettered by smart bureaucrats, made the world what it is.

这并非第一次白卜庭鼓励安纳金释放不受拘束的能力。It was not the first time Palpatine had encouraged Anakin's unfettered abilities.

可他们也不会简单满足犹太人自由移民的要求。Yet neither could they simply meet the Jews’ demands to allow unfettered emigration.

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你摆脱同龄人群体的压力,通过发展真正的个性来成长。You can grow through developing true individuality, unfettered by peer group pressures.

你摆脱同龄人群体旳压力,通过发展真正旳个性来成长。You can grow through developing true individuality, unfettered by peer group pressures.

就连改革派的代表人物内维斯本人都不能做到允许自己管辖的州内存在言论自由。Even the reformist Mr Neves has trouble tolerating an unfettered press in his home state.

每个人说完后,他都微笑着,头点得像小鸡啄米,毫不掩饰自己的热情。At the end of each person's turn, he smiled and bobbed his head with unfettered enthusiasm.

若能以此去处事,一生安乐任逍遥。If ability with this whereabouts matter, the whole life is happy to allow free and unfettered.

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在低温情况下,超导体中电子将会共同流动,不受电阻约束。At low temperatures, electrons in the superconductors flow collectively, unfettered by resistance.

但是一旦马洛失去限制,他也有可能变成和库尔茨一样的殖民主义者。But once Marlowwere unfettered by inhibitions, he would become the great, white colonizer, like Kurtz.

然而,在过去十年中这种自由发展的市场经济造成了新的社会紧张。The advent of an unfettered market economy in the last decade has, however, wrought new social strains.

剩余时间以及你按自己的选择毫无约束地行事,这才是衡量成功的真正因素。A surplus of time, and the unfettered liberty to do with it as you choose, is the true measure of success.

这种意向体现了一种对逍遥、自由的生命本真状态的潜意识追求。It reflects a pursuit which is primitive life condition being free and unfettered in his subconsciousness.

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毕竟,不受限制的全球贷款证券化和轻描淡写的监管已经经受了打击。After all, the case for unfettered global securitization of loans and light-touch regulation has taken a hit.

我们热爱开放、自由的万维网,但在相同程度上,我们同时也在放弃它去追求更简单、更时尚的服务。As much as we love the open, unfettered Web, we’re abandoning it for simpler, sleeker services that just work.

大量的量子进行分离,在这个本应被吸收的波长上的激光束便毫无阻挡地通过。The quantum seas part, and a laser at the wavelength that should have been absorbed passes through unfettered.