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我下定决心,要用我的行动证明他们的判断是正确的。I was determined to vindicate their judgment.

你将如何向你家人解释你的失败?How would you vindicate your failure to your family?

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你可别以为后代会给你昭雪沉冤。You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you.

为维护艾志环保管接股份有限公司的合法权益。To vindicate Environmental Gasket Company LTD's legal right.

孟非在醉酒时,在小妖引导下对陈超表白。MengFei in drunkenness, in small demon guidance to vindicate Chen.

耶和华要为他的百姓伸冤,为他的仆人后悔。For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.

裴尚轩在院子里面等侯多时,主动向回来的黎璃表白。PeiShangXuan inside the courtyard waiting for, to vindicate the li glass back.

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我还可以引用其他论据证明莎士比亚为原作者。There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate Shakespeare's authorship.

每一次都会在心里默默地想着她,真的希望有机会能表白自己的心迹。Every heart silently want her, in really hope to have the chance to vindicate his palpitations.

上世纪九十年代科技股繁荣后随之而来的温和衰退似乎佐证了他们的观点。The shallow recession that followed the tech-stock boom of the late 1990s seemed to vindicate them.

至于细节,耶稣基督印证了旧约中的多个关于救世主的预言,这证明了主确实是存在的。Down to the details, Jesus Christ fulfilled dozens of Old Testament prophecies that vindicate his truth.

偏见对历史对社会都发生了作用,所以我们如何证明偏见是正确的呢?We know what prejudice has wrought historically and socially, so how can we try to vindicate it in this way?

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目的维持医务人员的合法权益,摆脱目前医患关系之间的阴影。Objectives To vindicate the rights of medical staff and avoid the umbrage between patients and medical staff.

这也很好地证明了两任美国总统确保通用汽车不至破产的决策是何等英明。And that may very well vindicate the decision of two U.S. presidents to make sure that GM didn't go out of business.

阿那克萨戈拉是第一次,显然,其中包括希腊人,以维护为主的主意或理由,在宇宙中。Anaxagoras was the first, apparently, among the Greeks to vindicate the predominance of mind or reason in the universe.

面对这种情景,本来想要击落女神之后再勇敢表白的许飞简直欲哭无泪。In the face of such situation, originally wanted to shoot down the goddess then brave to vindicate xu fei can want to cry.

这种权利的行使,其意义不仅在于使合法权益得到保护,而且在于制止一切违法犯罪,维护社会主义法制的权威和尊严。Meaning of self-defense is to protect the legal rights, hold out the criminal and vindicate the authority of social law system.

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好了,如果蒯因是对的而且不存在那些关于概念的事实,那么就不存在任何东西可以支撑模态直觉。Well, but if Quine is right and there aren't any such facts about concepts, then there is nothing to vindicate modal intuitions.

无敌小白十一飞身后退,俩眼向防贼似的盯着我手里的无名剑。Is invincible small white 11 fly to later necrosis back, a couple eye to vindicate a thief gaze at the unknown sword in the my hand.

这次行动的各责任者,面对势不可挡的批评声浪,如今都急于想为自己的判断作辩护。Those who were responsible for the operation now seemed desperate to vindicate their judgment in the face of overwhelming criticism.