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胡安同学做为一名跨专业的学生,在专业学习上所需付出的努力远远超过其他本专业学生。As a transdisciplinary student, An Hu paid much more on study than other students in the department.

有什么可以证明中心思想和跨学科之间的联系?What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme?

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从跨学科的角度出发,真正的理解既包括外部知识与内部经验。From a transdisciplinary perspective, an authentic understanding involves both external knowledge and internal experiences.

根据整合机制的不同,主题网可以分为学科式主题网和超学科式主题网。According to the integrated mechanism, the webbing consists of the interdisciplinary webbing and the transdisciplinary webbing.

与学科式主题网相比,超学科式主题网对课程内容的整合更为自然,产生的整体教育效果也更好。Compared to the interdisciplinary webbing, the transdisciplinary webbing can integrate the curriculum contents more naturally and have better total effects.

全球化对我国男女两性工作和生活的影响需要跨学科的深入分析。It is, therefore, necessary to make a penetrating, transdisciplinary analysis of globalization's impact on the work and life of both men and women in China.

本研究重点在探讨将跨专业服务融入早期疗育课程的实施历程所面临的困境及问题解决策略。The study mainly focused on the difficulty and problem solved of transdisciplinary service included early intervention curriculum in the implementing process.

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为了更具体的了解世界不同国家的文化,我们一起制作并品尝了意大利批萨,了解意大利的饮食文化。According to our transdisciplinary planning for this term, children made pizza to understand the culture of Italy, and taste the food which is different from ours.

真正以儿童为中心,运用探究的形式开展跨领域的主题研究课程。Truly child centered education-learning through concept-driven inquiry explored through transdisciplinary themes, children construct meaning centered on core concepts.

ESP作为当今世界上一门激动人心的、发展迅速的跨学科研究科目,在英语学习领域及许多其他领域都正获得越来越多的关注。As an exciting fast-developing transdisciplinary subject of study in the world, ESP is gaining more and more attention in both English learning world and many other fields.

神经经济学是一门应用神经科学技术来确定经济决策的神经机制的新兴学科。Neuroeconomics is an emerging transdisciplinary field that uses neuroscientific measurement techniques to identify the neural substrates associated with economic decisions.

本学期,中大外小国际班新开设了英语探究课,我们根据国际文凭组织的六大主题,结合实际情况来设定我们每个星期探索的主题。In this semester, Guangzhou Foreign Language School open a creative class , which is "English Inquiry Project". According to IB's six transdisciplinary themes, we set our theme.