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你幻想或梦想什么?What do you fantasize and dream about?

眼睛,我了解,这是幻想。我一定要站的高。Just because I fantasize does not mean I'm a perv.

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那些盼望着能迎接黎明的人,还是有希望的。For those who fantasize about greeting the dawn, there is hope.

我的意思是,我们都曾设想过让谁来演父母的角色。I mean, we all kind of fantasize about who would play our parents.

怎么说呢……我喜欢翘臀曲线,但你想知道我幻想什么是吗?I like to taste to the rainbow. But you want to know what I fantasize about?

很少有女人幻想的对象是财务人员、办公室经理或者牙齿保健人员。Few women fantasize about accountants, office managers, and dental hygienists.

也许你幻想打她的屁股或把她绑在床上。Maybe you fantasize about spanking your partner or tying her to the bed posts.

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一旦你列出这个表格,想象一下自己加薪之后的生活。Once you’ve made the list, fantasize about your life after receiving the raise.

这是个伟大的神话,包含了许多让人想入非非的元素。It's a great myth. It has a lot of elements that people love to fantasize about.

幻想屈从的女性希望完全受别人控制。Women who fantasize about submission want someone else to take complete control.

你不再能幻想某物却不会在此生将其显化。One can no longer fantasize about something without manifesting it in this lifetime.

实际上,男人对这个着迷,是因为这些在我们的社会中是被严禁的。Fact is that guys fantasize about this because it is considered taboo in our society.

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文章写的不错,但充满了17岁少女的幻想,比如与鲸鱼结伴遨游。The writing was good, but plenty of 17-year-olds fantasize about swimming with whales.

你是否会在离线以后心里总还想着上网或幻想着自己在上网?How often do you feel preoccupied with the Internet when off-line, or fantasize about being on-line?

但事实并不仅只是这样,男人对性的幻想将近两倍于女性,而且幻想的内容也多种多样。Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied.

另外,他们味道鲜美。这样美味的西瓜是那些只吃杂货店贩卖的西瓜的人只能想象而无法体味到的。And they are delicious, the kind of perfect watermelon an eater of grocery store melons can only fantasize about.

然而,能够得到的最接近真实的数据表明,男人每天至少会进行一次性幻想。Unfortunately, the closest anyone can get to a real statistic is that men fantasize about sex at least once a day.

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但事实并不仅只是这样,男人对性的幻想将近两倍于女性,而且幻想的内容也多种多样。And that's not all. Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied.

无论今天有多么令人灰心丧气,上升天秤的你还是积极期待着幸福的明天。No matter what disappointments today may bring, Rising-Librans fantasize happy tomorrows and look forward to living them.

富人和名人会让他们的按钮整天按个不停,而形单影只的人只能靠想象体验那些美好的感觉。The rich and famous would get their buttons pushed all day long, while the lonely would fantasize about how great that would be.