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就事论事地看待这次经验。Try to look at the experience objectively.

试着尽可能客观地审视自己。Try to view yourself as objectively as possible.

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法官应公正处理每一个案子。Judges are supposed to judge each case objectively.

我们想问,我们难道不能客观地对待存在吗?Can't I view this thing, as we might say, objectively?"

客观评价田间籽棉质量。The quality of field seed cottons is assessed objectively.

你不会用科法的眼光去看,客观地审视你接收到的信息。You won't look at this as a scientist objectively scanning data.

坚持行为杜会危害性判断的客观性,意义重大。It is significant to objectively judge the actions' social harmfulness.

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客观的证明史特拉第瓦里小提琴的音质,这可能吗?Is it possible to verify the tone quality of the Stradivarius objectively?

将利益分割协调问题仅局限于寻找客观的依据上。Localize the devision &harmony of profit just on finding gist objectively.

生物节律对人体的影响也普遍地客观存在。The influences of biothythm on human beings universally exist objectively.

我们本着事情的是非曲直,客观、公正处理。We deal with the issue fairly and objectively according to its own merits.

自我辅导的骑手必须学习客观及不动情感的思考模式。The self-coached cyclist must learn to think objectively and unemotionally.

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我们会客观地谈论并且一起想想有什么可以做的。We would objectively discuss and evaluate the things that could be work on.

我们希望有关人士能够客观、理性看待这个问题。We hope relevant individuals will treat the issue objectively and rationally.

本文试图以空间形式语言对密斯现象作出一种客观的解释。We try to explain Mies-phenomena objectively with the language of space form.

最终,我通过客观地审视自己后发现,是的,我真的很卑劣。Eventually, I looked at myself objectively and realized that, yes, I am cheap.

文中还对如何客观评价甘蔗抗黑穗病性进行了探讨。It was discussed how to objectively evaluate the smut resistance in sugarcane.

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如果你正不知该如何解决一个难题,试着客观地去处理它。If you are wondering about the answer to a problem, try to solve it objectively.

例如,绑架罪的客观行为表现为单一抑或复合行为?。For example, is kidnapping objectively thought as a single action or a duplex action?

第三部分客观地评价了宋朝妇女的再嫁权问题。The third part objectively appraises the right of women's remarriage in Song dynasty.