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这是一个新的塔夫特键锁。This is a new Taft keyless lock.

你的车能远程无钥匙进入吗?Does your car have remote keyless entry?

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而且它没有钥匙进入,或者。And it didn't have keyless entry , either.

脉冲车轮钥匙,很容易相互协调。The pulse wheels are keyless and very easy to align.

他表示,无键键盘的研发花了10年时间。He said the keyless keyboard was 10 years in the making.

不带钥匙的邮箱锁改善了邮件失窃的情况。The Keyless Locking Mailbox turns the tables on mail thieves.

如果你正考虑一项电子锁键,再看看。If you are considering a keyless electronic lock, look no further.

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你的车使用遥控开门吗,某日这个会给你带来方便…Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday.

这时只有两次拉动车门外把手才能无钥匙进入。Keyless access is only possible in this case by actuating the outer door handle twice.

其他细节是扭转安全摄像头,发动机启动按钮和无钥匙进入。Other niceties are a reversing safety camera, an engine start button and keyless entry.

修复玩家在诺曼底第八关选择中立的歌莉娅炸弹时产生的文本提示。Fixed a keyless text reference when the player selects the neutral Goliaths in Normandy M08.

使用此安装到Vue的汽车防盗器,遥控汽车起动器和无钥匙进入系统的信息。Use this installation to alert the car view, and beginners car remote keyless entry systems.

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介绍了舵柄与舵杆无键液压套合工艺的优点。This article describes the advantages of the fitting of keyless tiller with rudder stock by oil shrink method.

这种高水平的个性化提出了钥匙锁一个明显的选择对个人的严重的安全。This high level of customization makes a keyless lock an obvious choice for individuals serious about security.

没这种必要,我有指纹感应,方向盘在我开车前会自动识别我得指纹。There's no need, I have keyless entry, and the steering wheel recognizes my finger prints before starting the car.

不再担心丢车钥匙或者将车钥匙锁在了车内,免钥入车系统这个小装置引发一场巨大革命。No more worries of key lost and locking the key in car, passive keyless entry, a small device makes a big revolution.

菲利普发明了无钥匙上链技术,获得了金牌,这届世博会是最大的赢家。Philippe invented a keyless on chain technology, received the gold medal, that session of the Expo are the biggest winners.

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一手车主,四缸1.7升,四门,自动档,摇控锁,自动巡航,电动门窗,电动侧视镜,电加热后视镜。One owner. 4Cyl, 1.7L, 4doors, Automatic, Keyless entry, Cruise Control. Power window, Power lock. Power mirror. heated mirror.

在装备卡片式无匙起动功能后,汽车上固有的电子钥匙驾驶授权之所有标准功能仍然可用。When Keyless Go is fitted, all functions of the standard drive authorisation system using the electronic key are still available.

对于具有无钥匙功能的钥匙,在设定后要按下收音机遥控上的按钮来启动此功能。In the case of keys with the keyless function after teaching press a button on the radio remote control to activate this function.