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我一向对经典音乐很有研究。I am well versed in classic music.

看到这幅画就知道这位画家的画功很深。Seeing the picture, we see that this painter is very versed.

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这是他所精通的“声东击西”的伎俩。This is his versed trick, what's called "selling the drummy".

精通该领域使用的标准条款和协议。Well versed with standard terms, protocols used in the domain.

爱就象阳光一样无所不在,它那熟悉的嗓音永远不会消沉。Common as light is loved, and its versed voice wearies not ever.

对于那些不精通高等数学的人来说,这是不可能的。For those of us not versed in higher mathematics, it is impossible.

这招并蒂莲花,使得很是娴熟!This recruits to combine Di lotus and make quite is be versed with!

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三姊妹都熟写小说的技巧。The three sisters is all well versed in the mechanism of novel write.

他还说这些消费者精通各种品牌的背景知识。Marchetti said, adding they are well versed in their knowledge of brands.

这样打造出精通熟练的士官和军官干部是非常宝贵的。They can also be invaluable in creating a well versed cadre of NCOs and Officers.

他精通不同的方法学,并且知道怎样以及何时需要使用它们。He is well versed in different methodologies and knows how and when to apply them.

而是为了热衷于黑客帝国系列并且精通于这个故事的人。Instead, it is for enthusiasts of the Matrix series who are well versed in its mythology.

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第二日,老马已经在门口熟门熟路的等左伊了。The second day, age horse yet etc. in familiar road in versed door in the gateway left Yi.

要完成这一切,会计人员需要能言善辩,精通文化、法律、历史和宗教。For all this, accountants need to be versed in rhetoric, culture, law, history and religion.

作为现代孟加拉语的创建者之一,他也十分精通梵文语法和诗句。One of the creators of modern Bengali , he was also well versed in Sanskrit grammar and poetry.

或许从球场上的例子更能说明阿森纳进攻技术的纯熟程度。Perhaps from the court case that better- versed in the Arsenal attack on the degree of technology.

他精通梵文韵文,当他从一个地方走到另一个地方的时候,就很快乐地吟诵它们。He was well versed in Sanskrit, and it had delighted him to chant as he walked from place to place.

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每一个异教民族都有精通这门学问的西比尔。Every gentile nation had its own sybil versed in this science, and we find mention of twelve of them.

熟练掌握菜单、食品准备方法及其它方面的知识,以便向客人推荐各种食品及饮料。Suggest food and beverages to be well versed with the menu, method of preparation and accompaniments.

雕刻玻璃雕刻玻璃分为人工雕刻和电脑雕刻两种。Sculpture glass carves glass to divide humanness to be versed in sculpture and computer carve two kinds.