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做假山也是一样的。Do rockery is the same.

迎面是巨大的假山。In the face of enormous rockery.

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最特别的就是假山。The rockery is especially unique.

沿小石径,可登假山。Along the small Shi Jing, Tang rockery.

这样的假山上面草木很容易生长。This plant grows easily on the rockery.

那么,咱们不仿就先来制造假山吧。So, we don't like first manufacturing rockery.

灵璧的假山石也和灵璧石一样堪称一绝。Lingbi rockery stone and Lingbi stone like is a must.

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此假山皆民租所出,非血山而何!This rockery is people out of the blood, rent what mountain!

但在印度佛教中,并未将假山视为法物。But in India Buddhism, will not be regarded as rockery arafat.

这个位置不能放置千层石假山,是凶位。In this direction, suggestions can be placed Qianceng stone rockery.

时帝亦为假山未成,闻之亟毁焉句号。When the emperor also is not into it, rockery should have destroyed.

这种千层石假山会给前进的财物带来好运。The Melaleuca stone rockery will give way to bring good luck to property.

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这是迄今为止国内发现的最大的一座千层石假山盆景。This is by far the largest domestic found qianceng stone rockery miniascape.

而中国人的建筑没有这种东西,但一般却有假山。Chinese construction does not have this kind of thing, but is generally a rockery.

这样的话在制作假山时大大减少了时间与精力也节约了成本。So in the production of rockery greatly decrease the time and energy cost savings.

经蚁蚀风侵,假山石狮倒塌,楼阁倾斜。Ant invasion by wind erosion, the collapse of a rockery stone lions, tilt pavilion.

在边脚土中栽植花草后,假山与地面的结合就更加紧密、更加自然了。In the edge foot soil planting, combined with ground rockery closer and more natural.

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它又或者弯曲或者在湖石的掩映下继续。It can stop gracefully in curves or further continue itself with a screen of rockery.

现在市场上灵璧假山石凸显出价格稍高的形势。Now on the market of Lingbi rockery highlights the slightly higher prices of the situation.

山石外型是指用多块石材组合而构成假山景象。Rock shape refers to the use of more than stone material combination, constitute the rockery.