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这是国家的顶尖歌剧团。The troupe is touring the country.

1828年,一个湖北剧团来到北京。In 1828 a troupe of Hubei came to Beijing.

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舞蹈团与其领导都发了财。Both the troupe and its honcho have thrived.

剧团正在全国各地巡回演出。The theatrical troupe is touring the country.

欢迎走进“梦之翼”艺术团!Welcomed into the Troupe of the Wing Of Dream !

唐山市皮影剧团成立于1943年。Tangshan shadow play troupe was founded in 1943.

这个舞蹈团的成员都是专业舞者。The members of this dance troupe are all professionals.

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他在这个有名的日本杂技团算是个“百搭”,什么都干。He was engaged to act in the celebrated Japanese troupe.

文工团常年在边防部队流动。The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards.

但是实际上她只是戏班子里的一个演员。She was in fact an actress with a Chinese theatre troupe.

他们观看了延安的一个文工团表演民间舞蹈。They watched a Yan'an cultural troupe perform folk dances.

我们在聚会上玩得非常尽兴。The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.

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这出地方剧目一直是这个剧团赖以为生的看家节目。This local play has been the bread and butter of the troupe.

在他的第二祖国,家人经营一个西班牙轻歌剧团。In his adopted country his family ran a Spanish operetta troupe.

这个失群的演员迫不及待地要去和那些演员认同…The lost actor couldn't wait to identify himself with the troupe.

孩子们尾随着巡回演出队走了好远。The kids followed the mobile cultural troupe for quite a distance.

德闽昨天来这里巡回演出,顺便来学校看我。Demin dropped in on me when their troupe is on tour here yesterday.

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第三节,庐剧剧种与昂家庐剧戏班的艺术实践。Lu Opera Troupe of Ang Family mainly has two kinds of performances.

小刚的哥哥是县京剧团的小生演员。Xiao Gang's brother plays the male role in the county opera troupe.

年毕业后考入中国歌剧舞剧院至今。She has been in the China Opera and Ballet Theater Troupe since 1997.