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林奇饰演的则是一个穿运动服的婊子。Lynch plays a bitch in a tracksuit.

理查德。道·斯内尔,梅里尔·林奇。Richard. Doug Snell, Merrill Lynch.

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美林公司的巴瑞女士看到了这一点。Ms. Barry of Merrill Lynch sees the irony.

之后,林奇与植物培育者合作。Lynch then collaborates with plant breeders.

她曾在芝加哥为美林集团短期工作过。She worked briefly for Merrill Lynch in Chicago.

Lynch说,从他浴室可以望见的40公顷土地的地点。Lynch says he can see the 40-hectare site from his bath.

愿中国和美林继续共同成长壮大。May China and Merill Lynch continues to grow strong together.

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我们现在并没有太多关于伊文娜的信息。We don't currently have a lot of information on Evanna Lynch.

他特意提到,他们有不少准备诋毁我哥哥的人。They had plenty of people ready to lynch my brother, he noted.

上帝,想想,一个大男人怕一帮动私刑的!Lord, the idea of a grown-up person being afraid of a lynch mob!

我的父母是玛格丽特和多纳尔证券,我有3个兄弟姐妹。My parents are Marguerite and Donal Lynch and I have 3 siblings.

而大卫·林奇似乎要将这些东西暴露出来。That, it seems, is what Lynch repeatedly tries to bring to light.

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我可以听到暴民与干草叉和火把来。I can hear the lynch mob coming with their pitchforks and torches.

大卫•林奇执导的电影里竟还有有恐怖角色?A creepy character in a David Lynch movie?I can't be serious, right?

我的意思是,我认为大卫•林奇从来没有向主流派妥协,制作过一部有违自己风格的影片。I mean I don't think that David Lynch has ever made a compromised film.

我们开车经过一群动私刑的暴民,我们把脸紧紧贴在车底板。We drove through a lynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard.

据了解,美林家园项目销售的时候就成立了一个客户部。Lynch homes project on the establishment of a sales customers Department.

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虽经全力抢救,但林奇先生一周以后还是在医院去世了。Despite attempts at resuscitation, Mr Lynch died a week later in hospital.

比如美林证券,一家大证券零售商,就在学校对过的中心绿地Merrill Lynch is a big retail broker they're right down here on the Green.

对此考夫曼博士以及韦恩、比格斯和林奇三位先生都认为是有道理的。That makes sense to Dr. Kaufman, as well as Messrs. Wien, Biggs and Lynch.