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你找死!You court death!

排球场。Volleyball court.

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法庭内保持肃静。Order in the court.

只需公证结婚。Only court marriage.

那咱就球场上见吧。See you in the court.

此人要出庭受审。The man is up in court.

这个法庭是怎么说的?What did the court say?

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我也会陪她们一起出庭。I go with them to court.

一个审判法庭上的法官。A judge in a trial court.

如此,法院就是正确的?So, was the court correct?

她在宫廷中失宠。She was disgraced at court.

请坐下!本庭现在开庭。This court is now in session.

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法院判他犯有抢劫罪。The court did him for robbery.

那个证人对法庭撒谎。The witness lied to the court.

在敌人刑场上。At the enemy's execution court.

他与她在网球场上相遇。He met her on the tennis court.

我的叔皮在一间高尔夫球场工作。My uncle works at a golf court.

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她向上级法院上诉。She appealed to a higher court.

英国的宫廷在伦敦。The British court is in London.

法院撤销了其命令。The court discharged its order.