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我可没有给你拉皮条。And I am not pimping you out.

很小的,像个热水瓶一样。Pimping , be like a thermos bottle.

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我们拉皮条您的个人资料和您的意见容易!We make pimping your profile and your comments easy!

当年我舅舅在乡下开了一个很小的酒馆。That year my uncle opened a pimping bar in the country.

凤凰是一个美丽的小古城。The phoenix is a beautiful and pimping and ancient city.

彼得过着一种邪恶的生活,专为需要女人的男人拉皮条。Peter lived an immoral life, pimping for any man who needed a woman.

一名中学校长被揭发,为280名14至17岁高中女生拉皮条。A college principal was caught pimping 280 high school girls aged between 14 and 17.

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我吃力地把头靠在肮脏的墙壁上,只是一个很小的动作,却分外小心。I the hard way depend head on the dirty wall, just a pimping action, but cent outside careful.

在盲目鼓动他们的民众为沃尔顿像奴隶一样卖苦力之前,中国应该早就要想到那个。China should have thought of that before pimping out their citizens as slave labour for the Waltons.

清瘦但还算适中的身材,加上超短的发型和模糊的胡子茬,为他塑造出一个技术忍者的形象。Lean and mean with close-cropped hair and shadowy stubble, he is pimping himself as a technology ninja.

但是,你坦然接受这个现实,把它看作一个能过的去的坎,那么,很快你又能屌起来了。However, if you take it for what it is, a simple obstacle that you can overcome, you'll be back to pimping in no time.

尽管我在很小的时候便开始学习素描和绘画,我的家庭没有能力送我到艺术学校学习。Though I then start studying sketch and painting in the pimping time, my family has no ability to send me to study in the art school.

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战争、和平、权利和爱情,这些被涂抹了几千年的字眼,在灵魂的瞳孔里,也闪烁着卑微的光环。Battle, peace, right and love, these were daubed thousands of years' diction. In the apple of the soul's eyes, also flash pimping aura.

一天夜里,一位美国黑人在地铁里看到一位白人妇女带着3个很小的孩子,提着一个旅行包走了进来。A day at the mid-night, an American black sees a white man woman take 3 pimping kids in the subway, lift a trip pack to walk to come in.

他还补充说,任何允许自己女儿、姐妹,或妻子与男人在一起工作,或加入男女同校学校的行为,都无异于“给娼妓拉皮条”。He added that anyone who allows his daughter, sister, or wife to work with men or attend mixed-gender schools is guilty of "a type of pimping."

莫扎特很小的时候就显露出极高的音乐天赋,即兴演奏和作曲都十分出色,被誉为“神童”。The M is firm especially the pimping time rears the very high music natural endowments of, jam session and compose all very outstanding, was called " child prodigy" by people.

导热快,散热慢,有效地减少了热量的消耗,很小的火力即可满足烹调的需要,是新世纪的节能产品。Transmit heat quick, spread hot slow, availably decrease calories of consume, the pimping thermodynamic power can immediately satisfy cook of demand, is new century of economy energy product.

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虽然选择自主创业的大学生只是一个很小的群体,但是大学生的创新创业现象折射出的意义十分巨大。Although the university students that choice independence start a business is just a pimping community, the meaning of university living's innovation and starting a business refracts very bigness.

作为宪法基本权利的社会保障权应具有可诉性,但其可诉性只能保持在很小的范围和程度之内,即“最低限度的社会保障权”。As a basic right of constitution, the right to social security can be sued. But its sue is only kept in the pimping scope and degree, that is , "the lowest limit of the right to social security ".