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这句话太刻薄了,她不愿回答。It was too frivolous for her to answer.

床架上轻薄的纱帐。The frivolous gauze account on bedstead.

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若论无聊时尚之王,非宠石莫属。When it comes to frivolous fads, the Pet Rock is king.

涉过你轻薄的镜片,我看到深邃的瞳孔。Has forded your frivolous lens, I see the profound pupil.

再见。我的青春悲剧,你的年少轻狂。Goodbye. The tragedy of my youth, you young and frivolous.

网络语言有部分很粗俗,甚为轻佻。The network language some very vulgar, be completely frivolous.

生命,一次又一次轻薄过,轻狂不知疲倦。Life, thin and light-off time and time again. Frivolous tireless.

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这是使这一进程是没有举行了琐屑的原因。This is so that the process is not held up for frivolous reasons.

伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。Iraq and the bosom embrace me, except I preexistence is frivolous.

传教士们视小说为轻浮和教人堕落的东西。Moralisers and preachers saw the novel as frivolous and perverting.

轻薄的雪纺材质,风吹的时候很有盈动感。Frivolous snow spins when qualitative, the wind is cyberworks feeling.

我知道你愚蠢、轻佻、头脑空虚,然而我爱你。I knew you were silly and frivolous and empty-headed. But I loved you.

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后来,才知道,自己想的只是太过于轻狂。Later, only know that they too would like to only extremely frivolous.

生活磨掉我们年少轻狂的棱角,时间督促我们成长。Life grind our young frivolous edges and corners, we grow. Time urged.

许多今日我们做的事是徒劳而不足取的,很快就会被忘记。So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten.

那一个上午,空气里似乎都氤氲着一股轻薄暖和的气息。That one morning, appear in air the breath of a dense frivolous warmth.

你是否认为玩弄小零件是在做无聊的琐事呢?Do you think playing with gadgets is frivolous? Are you a bit too serious?

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女人漂亮的外表并非可有可无,相反,那是她一生是否完美的试金石。Her beauty is not a frivolous irrelevancy but a touchstone to a full life.

我们饶有趣味地品味时尚,甚至纯粹就是为了好玩。We have a little fun with fashion, even to the point of being more frivolous.

年少轻狂的时候觉得事在人为,努力就一定会有结果。When young and frivolous feel there is nothing, there will be efforts to results.