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我们,我们听到了这个美好的小西西里餐厅。We, we heard about this wonderful little Sicilian restaurant.

清晨柠檬色的阳光充满了迈克尔的卧室。The Sicilian sun, early-morning lemon-colored, filled Michael's bedroom.

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在“西西里晚祷1931年”是一个没有实际事件的关系神话。The "Sicilian Vespers" of 1931 is a myth with no relation to actual events.

墨索里尼曾自1924年发动了战争,以摆脱西西里黑手党的世界。Mussolini had been waging a war since 1924 to rid the world of the Sicilian Mafia.

在欧洲,对尸体进行干燥与保存是西西里专属的特色。In Europe the desiccation and preservation of corpses is a particularly Sicilian affair.

这里可以吃到西西里盛宴而不用害怕丢了手脚。There, it was just possible to enjoy a surly Sicilian feast without the loss of arm or leg.

开始与西西里黑手党女生的报复,他们会暨后用自己的屁股!When you start a vendetta with the Sicilian Mafia Girlz they will cum after you with their asses!

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请问,教父,任何一个西西里人能像卜启丘家族的人那么守口如瓶吗?Tell me, Godfather, is it possible for a Sicilian to be as dumb as the Bocchicchios pretend to be?

后来,她又用手指轻轻地在色彩斑斓的大理石桌面上滑动着。Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many-coloured sicilian table.

穆斯林弓箭兵来自西西里的穆斯林社区,应徵入伍保卫城市,装备复合弓和轻甲。Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour.

因为他们知道,按照传统,没有西西里岛人可以在他女儿婚礼的日子里拒绝请求。Because they know that by tradition no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day.

即是一手策划灾难性,Alcibiades,was,the,man,who,engineered,西西里岛远征的背后推手,最终,他成了一位叛逃者,改而效忠斯巴达。Alcibiades the disastrous Sicilian expedition and later ended his life as a defector going to Sparta.

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和其他与黑帮有染的人一样,皮斯通是西西里后裔并且会讲意大利语,于是他就被吸纳入伙了。Like many involved in the mob, Pistone was of Sicilian descent and spoke Italian, and they accepted him.

巴勒摩另一突出方面是黑手党植根于西西里文化的程度。Another distinguishing aspect of Palermo is the extent to which the Mafia is embeded in Sicilian culture.

洛佩斯在今年一月份从格雷米奥转会到西西里俱乐部,并在随后的17场比赛中打入11球。Lopez scored 11 goals in 17 games for the Sicilian outfit last season following a move from Gremio in January.

迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤,工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭嘴帽。Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore.

一个冬天流行的西西里色拉是切塔罗科橙子,切球茴香制成,香菜和橄榄油。A popular Sicilian winter salad is made with sliced Tarocco oranges, sliced bulb fennel, parsley and olive oil.

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在巴勒莫附近的一间房子里,警察抓住了在逃的西西里黑手党最大的头头萨尔瓦托雷·洛皮科洛。At a house near Palermo, police seized Salvatore Lo Piccolo, the most senior Sicilian Mafia boss still at large.

还有一道加了意式芝士和龙蒿油的南瓜丸子,其灵感源自传统的西西里油炸饭团。A pumpkin arancini with ricotta and tarragon oil was a fresh take on the traditional deep-fried Sicilian rice balls.

最近我们增加了在西西里晚祷,并正在努力半岛青苗更多的权限与发展。Recently we added in Sicilian Vespers, and are working on Peninsula Italica with more with permission for development.