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大象可以聚集在这儿,或者到室外的活动场活动。The elephants can congregate here, or out in the adjacent paddocks.

一群孩子雀跃着玩耍时,卡莉不会参与进去。When groups of children congregate to play, Callie does not join them.

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一小群森林水牛集结在卢安果国家公园的海滩上。A small gang of forest buffalo congregate on the beach in Loango National Park.

胭脂鱼,螃蟹,鳐,小鱼等聚集在数以千计的阿拉巴马岸口。Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier.

一个热门的地点是格林尼治村的花猪,创业类的人们聚集在那里。One hot spot is the Spotted Pig in Greenwich Village, where startup types congregate.

大规模死亡在以大群落聚集或迁徙的动物中间最为常见。Dramatic die-offs are most common in animals that congregate or travel in large groups.

在巴塞罗那奥运会,运动员们常聚集在路边超市附近的一个固定地点抽烟。At Barcelona, there was an area where the puffers would congregate near the transport mall.

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爸爸拥有当时马夫拉饭店,当地人会聚集很多的看他比赛。Dad owned the Maffra Hotel at the time, and many of the locals would congregate to watch him race.

人们经常在我们聚集的海岸线上,饶有兴致地观察我们。Humans along the shorelines where we congregate have often viewed the Walrus species with interest.

今天,我们隆重集会,庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年。Today we congregate here ceremoniously to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC.

潘迪亚说,大部分的移民并不会很多人聚集在一起,以避免引起注意或成为攻击目标。Pandya says most migrants do not congregate in large numbers, to avoid being conspicuous or targeted.

这里是纳斯卡赛车的圣殿,每年有16.8万名“信徒”聚在这里观看当赛季最大规模的比赛。It is a temple to NASCAR, where 168,000 of the faithful congregate for the biggest race of the season.

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因此,催化作用能在毛细张力与聚集张力之间取得周期性的变形平衡。Hence, catalysts can deform periodically balancing between the capillary force and the congregate force.

圆桌是亚瑟王传奇中亚瑟王的著名桌子,他和他的骑士们经常围桌而坐。Round Table is King Arthur's famed table in the Arthurian legend, around which he and his Knights congregate.

一群孩子雀跃着玩耍时,卡莉不会参与进去。When groups of children congregate to play, Callie does not join them. Even at home, she is quiet and withdrawn.

雌性总是聚集在某些特定区域,而雄性的战斗则是为了能偶留在那些具有最高交配成功率的地点。Females tend to congregate in certain areas, and males fight to stay in these spots for maximum success in mating.

进一步使各塔居民能互通的结构为天空之桥。Further support for the towers comes from the connecting skybridges where tower residents will be able to congregate.

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就像人类在快餐店前排队一样,大白鲨聚集在一起期待着人们有东西喂给它们。Like humans lined up at a fast food joint, Burgess said sharks congregate "expecting something to put in their mouth.

这个周末,周围的农夫都会来参加在谢尔顿马利特举行的全英巨型蔬菜锦标赛。This weekend growers from all over the country will congregate for the UK Giant Vegetable Championship in Shepton Mallet.

登记在案通常只是开始,有时性罪犯还被禁止接近儿童聚集的场所。Registration is often just the start. Sometimes sex offenders are barred from living near places where children congregate.