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我迷上“织”微博了。I'm addicted to updates.

我对网上聊天上瘾。I'm addicted to net-chat.

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总是依赖于你的熨斗?Addicted to your flatiron?

他嗜烟成瘾。He is addicted to smoking.

俊杰喜欢用这些小玩意。JJ is addicted to these gadgets.

沉溺在你的世界,义无反顾。Incurably addicted to your world.

他沾染上各种恶习。He was addicted to all sorts of vice.

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他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is addicted to dirty entertainment.

萨迪酷爱集邮。Sady is addicted to collecting stamps.

我们很多人都有脉动瘾。So many of us are addicted to the pulse.

这老人嗜好饮酒。The old man addicted himself to drinking.

他们是痴迷于社交活动的企业首席执行官。They are CEOs addicted to the schmoozing.

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摇头丸上瘾是什么意思?What does it mean to be addicted to MDMA?

她吃镇静剂已经上瘾了。She had become addicted to tranquillizers.

我也沉溺于对高马力车的热爱中。I am also addicted to high horse power cars.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He addicted to the lavatorial entertainments.

霍布斯觉得是邪恶和嗜战。Vicious and addicted to warfare, wrote Hobbes.

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我们太沉溺于金钱和廉价的能源。We are too addicted to money and cheap energy.

你有没有一个像我这样痴迷人性。You got me so addicted just like a free baser.

我想写一些关于吸毒成瘾的人的文章。I want to write about people addicted to drugs.