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这时来运转是没有预见到的。This turn of fortune was unforeseen.

意外的开支减少了我们的存款数目。Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.

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显然,可以具有未预料到的结果。Obviously, that can have unforeseen consequences.

你必须充分考虑到预料不到的情况。You must make a liberal allowance for unforeseen circumstances.

其远期污染是不可预知或还未预知的。Besides, the long term pollution is not predicable and unforeseen.

我们安排工作时要留有余地。When arranging our work, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.

残酷和不可预见的事件取代了过去,并建立了过去的桥梁。Brutal and unforeseen events take overhand and build a bridge to the past.

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外部力量和趋势可能迅速地崛起,从而导致无法预料的后果。External forces and trends can rise quickly and have unforeseen ramifications.

但是任何计算系统都有无法预料的事件,比如硬件故障。But any computing system can have unforeseen events, such as hardware failures.

然而,可能会有未遇见到的障碍和现实的巨大阻力。However, there is the likelihood of unforeseen obstacles and real force majeure.

邮件的实际付运时间可能受其他未能预计的因素影响。The actual shipment date of mail despatches may be affected by unforeseen circumstances.

因此,技术培训是必需的。Heretofore unforeseen technical training therefore becomes a requirement in many projects.

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海王星逆行已经创造了个一段金融漏管,或一些不可预见的花费。Neptune retrograde may have created a bit of a financial drain, or some unforeseen expenses.

雨主智,如果一个人莫名的遇到雨和水都是智慧运。Rain symbolizes wisdom. If a man encounters unforeseen rain or water, it's symbol of wisdom.

我去参加一个超级洞察力者聚会,但是由于一个突发事件,它被取消了。I was going to attend the clairvoyants meeting, but it was canceled due to unforeseen events.

当然,你也为无法预料的事件和新合伙人加入产生的股权稀释留了空间。Of course, you leave an out for unforeseen events and dilution based on bringing in new partners.

除非发生不可预料的事,否则57岁的杰克逊下赛季仍然会执教湖人队。Barring the unforeseen , the 57-year-old Jackson said he'll return to coach the Lakers next season.

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当遇到不可预见费,没有传真垫款贷款,是一种快速的财路同一天。When faced with unforeseen expenses, no fax payday loan is a quick way of getting money the same day.

现在我们所需要的是一个附加条款,对诸如鼠害等意外事件作出规定。What we need now is a saving clause in case of some unforeseen mischance , such as damage by rats , etc.

若贵队等后最后截止时刻才上传,可以会遇到难以预期的问题,而致于没有时间修正网页。If you wait until the last minute you might run into unforeseen problems and not have time to correct them.