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我捕获了一只兔子。I bagged a rabbit.

我们猎获了一只兔子。We bagged a rabbit.

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这名小学生逃学。The pupil bagged school.

风把窗帘吹得鼓起来。The wind bagged the curtain.

她将所有吃剩的食物装入袋内。She bagged all the leftovers.

他的袜子宽松下垂及踝。His socks bagged at the ankles.

那男孩的裤子在膝盖处鼓了出来。The boy's pants bagged at the knees.

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她为编一部词典搜集轶事趣闻。He bagged anecdotes for a dictionary.

“但我们没钱拿药啊。”姐姐哀求。But we got no money! ' The sister bagged.

切成块的农产品,以及袋装沙拉较为省时便利。Precut produce and bagged salads are time-savers.

他们不仅做饼干,还有袋装果仁。They make not only biscuits but also bagged nuts.

至于炮弹的装药则是与弹头分开装填的。The bagged propellent charges are loaded separately.

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樵夫用斧头向大树乞求斧柄。The woodcutter's axe bagged for its handle from the tree.

本文对散装仓大堆垛包装储粮进行了探讨。Storage of big stack of bagged grain in bulk bin were tested.

若需袋装,包装可以手工或机器方式进行。If fruit is to be bagged it is either bagged by machine or by hand.

水泥包装时,每袋重量由电子秤计量和调节。Weight of bagged cement is weighed and adjusted by electric balance.

其中一个在曼特尔兵站的交锋中几乎得到汉头上的赏金。One nearly bagged the price on Han's head in a run-in on Ord Mantell.

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但直至现在才成功的从这些化石中找到古代DNA。But thehunt for ancient DNA in the shells has bagged nothing until now.

为提高工作效率,营养袋装土应采用定额管理。To improve work efficiency, bagged soil nutrient management should be fixed.

聪明人早已在座位上放一张卡片占住了位子。The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.