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使用秒表并且设定时间。Use a stopwatch and set a limit.

这是个用大字体数字显示的停表软件。This is a stopwatch application with BIG NUMBERS.

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扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch.

测试开始了,我放开狗,同时按下了秒表。I threw the blanket over her and started my stopwatch.

大声吟诵对白同时用秒表计时。Say the dialogue out loud and time it with a stopwatch.

他开始用秒表为他们计时,于是他们变快了。He started timing them with a stopwatch , and they got faster.

我握着秒表,在谷物食品货架后方观察她。Stopwatch in hand, I observe her from behind a cereal display.

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在热缺血期间内用秒表进行监测。The duration of warm ischaemia is monitored using a stopwatch.

救援电池如果需要跑码表有很长的一段时间。Saves battery if required to run the stopwatch for a long time.

秒表——指定开始和停止的计时器。Stopwatch -- specifies a timer that can be started and stopped.

秒表是一个原理和功能舆真正的秒表相同的实用程序。StopWatch is an application that functions like a real stopwatch.

在秒表设置西关掉“秒表”,共下面一样,会每秒皆刷新显示。Turn off "Stopwatch". Same as above, will refresh every 1 second.

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观测方法跟停表时钟法相似。The method of observation resembles the stopwatch reference to a clock.

该小组打算重新分析其数据和升级探测器的秒表。The team plans to reanalyse its data and upgrade the detector's stopwatch.

在Michael的秒表上,显示出3分17秒的注水时间,井里的水位越升越高。Michael’s stopwatch counts down from 3 minutes and 17 seconds as the flood waters rise.

事实上,很多西方国家的用户觉得秒表功能很实用!Actually, most of other western country users find this stopwatch function very useful!!

他们然后利用电子能谱法和一个秒表监测能量的运动。They then monitored the energy's movement by using electronic spectroscopy and a stopwatch.

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这个切面在方法调用周围加入建立和停止StopWatch实例的字节码。This aspect surrounds method calls with bytecode that creates and stops a StopWatch instance.

现在在微缩地图底部加入了秒表和闹钟的设计。There is now a built in Stopwatch and Alarm clock feature that can be found on the bottom of the minimap.

手中握有秒表,他记录了子弹落地的时间,记录的飞行时间为大约55秒。With stopwatch in hand, he timed the bullets as they fell to Earth, recording flight times of about 55 seconds.