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实际上,南方军从来没有年龄要求。The Confederacy never actually established an age requirement.

联盟没有一长制首长,即没有主掌执行权的首脑。The confederacy had no official head or chief executive officer.

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阿拉伯游牧部落的一支。A tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern Alberta.

阿芝科特联盟源于一场对外征服和同化的战役。The Aztec confederacy began a campaign of conquest and assimilation.

塔苏斯害怕性命难保,而且不相信邦联会保护他,因此逃离了奥尔托。Tusus, afraid for his life and not trusting the Confederacy to protect him, fled Orto.

杰斐逊·戴维斯之所以能在1860年,成为南部邦联总统There's a very good reason Jefferson Davis becomes president of the confederacy in 1860.

一年后,帝国看中了强大的卡利安邦联勇士。A year later, the Empire expressed interest in the powerful warriors of the Calian Confederacy.

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马里兰州没有脱离联邦,但北卡罗莱纳州、田纳西州和阿肯色州却脱离了联邦,现在已经有十一个州加入到南部邦联,也许还会有两个州加入,谁也不知道肯塔基州和密苏里州会在联邦内呆多久,这两个州都支持南部叛乱。But North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas did. There were now eleven states in the Confederacy.

几天来,似乎所有这些州都将脱离联邦加入到南方邦联中去。For several days, it seemed that all these states would secede and join the southern confederacy.

他们相信如果联盟在战争初期就取得大捷的话,南部同盟将会分崩离析。They believed the Confederacy would fall if the Union won a big military victory early in the war.

我们的联盟由管理一个共同合作关系的条件和原则来完善阐明。Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and principles governing a common copartnership.

在林肯第二次就职之前,他同意与南方代表举行和平谈判。Before Lincoln's second inaugural, he agreed to hold peace talks with representatives of the Confederacy.

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在吉奥诺西斯之战的两个月后,邦联部队在卡米诺上展开突袭,促使ARC士兵提前启动。Two months after the Battle of Geonosis, a Confederacy assault on Kamino prompted their early activation.

他们认为如果联盟能在战争早期赢得一场大捷的话南方联盟就会垮台。They believed the Confederacy would fall if the Union won a bigmililtarymilitary victory early in the war.

然而,到此时,一切都已经太晚了,一支未经训练的奴隶军队是不可能挽救南方邦联的。By then, however, it was too late. An army of freed slaves could not be trained in time to save the Confederacy.

克隆人战争爆发后的第4个月,温杜率领克隆人军队袭击在丹图因星集结的邦联军。Four months into the Clone Wars, Mace led clone troopers against Confederacy forces that had amassed on Dantooine.

一个住在缅因州的帕诺斯科特河谷,且属于阿布纳基族联邦的阿尔冈琴语系的民族。A member of the algonquian people belonging to the abnaki confederacy and living in the penobscot valley inn maine.

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此前,还没有一支北方军取得这样的胜利,格兰特让三万多南方军脱离了战场,他缴获了南方军六万支枪和170门大炮,这对已经严重缺乏兵员和武器的南方来说,是一个重大的损失。He had captured sixty thousand guns and one hundred seventy cannons. These were serious losses for the Confederacy.

在内战之初,南方没有海军,南方政府也没有钱来组建自己的海军,而且南方也没有工业企业来建造军舰。The Confederacy had no navy at the start of the Civil War. The Confederate government had little money to create one.

让这个伟大联邦所有各部分都太太平平,彼此和睦相处,这是最合乎理想的。我们共和党人应该尽力做到这一点。It is exceedingly desirable that all parts of this great Confederacy shall be at peace, and in harmony one with another.