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用埃拉。庞德的话讲写作的艺术在于简洁。The whole art of writing was, in the words of Ezra Pound, concision.

其特点是语言的规范化、模式化、语义单一化和通话内容简洁化。Such a language is known for its standardization, normalization, unicity and concision.

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当你能够省去这些多余的话时,你就能精确而又简明地传达自己的思想了。When you are able to trim all the extras, you can communicate with precision and concision.

首先以简洁为荣能够鼓励学生经济而创新地利用语言。Rewarding concision first will encourage students to be economical and innovative with language.

简洁而随意的手法,明快鲜艳的颜色,个性从些张扬!The means of unbending and concision , The colors of warmth and vividness, The space for nature.

恐怕有人会说,C只不过是一门小型语言,所以介绍它自然用不着大部头。One can argue that C is a small language and therefore concision comes naturally to an introductory text.

我们的目标就是通过简洁而有说服力的图表来说明比战争更有用的东西——性。It is our goal today to create graphics of similar concision and power, but about something more useful than war— sex.

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智能简洁人机界面使操作更加方便快捷。Intelligent Integrated Numerical Control System, concision and vivid human and machine interface to have easy operation.

该算法既具有线性标定的简洁性,同时又在一定程度上提高了足球机器人视觉系统标定的精确性。The algorithm has the concision of linear calibration and improves the accuracy in calibration of robot soccer vision system.

嵌入式实时系统作为计算机应用的一个崭新领域,以其简洁、高效等特点越来越多地受到人们的广泛关注。As a new domain in the computer application, embedded Real-time operation system is widely concerned by its concision and efficiency.

利用该方法成功地实现了一个高效、简洁并便于移植和定制的嵌入式窗口系统。EWS system proves that above method is useful to design a high-powered, concision , easy portable and customized embedded window system.

采用罩吸风无导爪式,提高纸板品质,防止出现高低愣,生产操作简便。Adopts cover adsorb no leading claw, advance cardboard quality, avoid appear high low corrugating, producing operate concision convenience.

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把一笔双叙恰当地运用在汉译英中,通常可以增强译文的精练度和生动性。The proper application of syllepsis to the translation from Chinese into English can achieve concision and vividness in the target language.

结果表明,该语言不仅能很好地支持全部模式,而且具有建模简洁、准确的特点。The analysis result shows that the language can support all the workflow patterns very well with the characteristics of concision and preciseness.

文末对该系统操作站部分的具体应用做了简略介绍,并对实际应用效果做了大致分析。There are concision introduction of the operation station part of the system and concision analysis of the practical effect in the article ending.

用简明扼要的语言对EXCEL使用中的具有代表性的疑难问题进行了分析、解答,并介绍了几点很有实用价值的使用技巧。This article on typical problem assay and solve when use EXCEL by concision schematic language, and introduce several very practical value use skill.

在众多的验证方法中,逻辑手段凭借其严密、简洁的特点,不仅在学术界占据了重要地位,而且在工业和金融行业中也产生了重大影响。In so many verifying methods, the logical ways play an important role not only on academia but also on industry and finance for its strictness and concision.

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文言是在先秦典籍基础上形成的古汉语书面语言,具有庄重、典雅、凝练的特点。Ancient Chinese with characteristics of solemnity, elegance and concision is a written language formulated on the basis of classical works of pre-Qin dynasty.

然而,待我更加仔细琢磨那些信件后,我得出结论,那就是她的信写的简短是不想叫人看出她的语法错误。Nevertheless, after inspecting them more carefully, I reached the conclusion that her epistolary concision was motivated by a desire to avoid grammatical errors.

到目前为止,大部分工作是针对结构振动特性的数值分析和理论研究,结果简洁,易于量化。Currently, most work has been put on numerical value analyzing and theoretical research, which has the character of concision results and easily being digitalized.