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给宝宝打的疫苗进口的一定比国产的好吗?Is those who give darling hit vaccinal entrance certain than homebred?

现在接种的预防乙肝疫苗真的能防止病菌吗?。Can vaccine of vaccinal now precautionary second liver prevent a bacteria really?

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注射乙肝疫苗的时候要体检化验单上什么条件才可以注射?Condition of the what on check-up assay sheet does inject second want to you just can inject when is liver vaccinal ?

有严重心脏、肝脏、肾脏疾病,尤其是脏器功能不全者不能接种。Have disease of serious heart, hepatic, kidney, especially viscera function is not complete person cannot vaccinal. 4.

乙肝疫苗,麻疹疫苗是否可以同时接种,如果有反映,有拿些补救措施?Second liver is vaccinal , measles vaccine is OK at the same time vaccinal , if have report, have take some remedy measure?

肺炎球菌肺炎疫苗的正常收费是多少?有谁知道吗?打完后发烧了怎么办?。Is pneumococcus pneumonic and vaccinal how much is collecting fees normally? Who knows? After be being hit, had a fever how to do?

患有轻度脂肪肝导致转氨酶偏高的人能接种乙肝疫苗吗?Have the person that spends fatty liver gently to bring about transaminase on the high side is liver of can vaccinal second vaccinal ?

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今天刚注射了乙肝疫苗,在这打针的半年里会不会染上乙肝呢?。Just injected today second liver is vaccinal , can be second liver caught in the half an year that gives or take an injection in this?

小孩接种百白破疫苗和乙肝疫苗后,发烧正常吗?有什嘛影响吗?The child is vaccinal after 100 white broken vaccine and second liver vaccine, it is normal to have a fever? Is there assorted affect?

用分离到的空肠弯曲菌制备鸡空肠弯曲菌甲醛灭活疫苗,并进行了该病的免疫保护实验。This experiment was undertaken to study chicken campylobacteriosis vaccine inactivated by formaldehyde solution, and the vaccinal protection index.

文章从病毒生物学特性、基因组结构、疫苗开发研制以及病原的检测方法等角度对犬细小病毒病的病原学研究进行了综述。In this paper, the pathogeny of CPV according to its genome structure, biology characteristics, vaccinal research and pathogeny detection were discussed.

菌落的特点是紧密,如用接种环触之,几乎整个菌落在培养基上滑动。The characteristic of bacterium colony is close together, if use what vaccinal annulus touchs, almost whole bacterium colony is on education radical slip.

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本文就目前环形泰勒虫病疫苗防制的研究进展作一全面的综述,并对其未来的发展趋势进行探讨。The progress of the study on vaccinal prevention against this kind of disease was summarized in this paper. Meanwhile, the tendency of development on future vaccinal prevention was discussed.