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推广了最小光程原理。The minimum time principle was generalized.

最后将这一方案推广为一般化的模式。Finally, the solution is generalized to a pattern.

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我们把轻子数推广为轻子荷。The lepton number is generalized to the lepton charge.

图书馆职业过于一般化,缺乏任何专业技能要求Librarianship is Too Generalized to Claim Any Expertise

讲评者只是泛论,因为他不知细节。The commentator generalized because he knew no details.

这是叶芝创作生涯的,大致的介绍。This was the kind of generalized story of Yeats's career.

并且拓广了广义鞍点的应用。And enlarge the application of the generalized saddle point.

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尖锐湿疣治疗费用不能一概而论。Condyloma acuminatum treatment costs can not be generalized.

临床测量Q角和全身关节松弛度。Clinically, Q angle and generalized joint laxity were measured.

在第五部分中,概括性地阐述了发生额法的创新之处。The innovations of my thesis are generalized in the fifth part.

幸运的是,关于这点,一个新的观念正在推广。Fortunately, a new opinion was being generalized in this regard.

在2010年,笼统的关注和规劝是不够的。In 2010, generalized concerns and exhortations will not suffice.

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同时,设H为一个广义的单冠状系统,则。Meantime, let H be a generalized single coronoid system H, then.

这两个结果推广了周正中的结果。Our results generalized the results obtained by Zhou Zhengzhong.

赞扬往往被曲解,而责难则轻易推及整个人群。Praise is misdirected and blame generalized to whole populations.

总结了吊杆破损的表现、原因和机理。The reason and mechanism of the suspender damage are generalized.

其技巧在于将广义投影和SQP技术结合使用。Its skill is to combine generalized projection with SQP technique.

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并将上确界算法推广到多维多重的模糊推理中。Moreover, this method is generalized into the general form of FMP.

最佳槽形设计,槽筒具有优良的导纱性能,适应性广。Best design of grooved drum, good yarn guide and generalized usage.

进一步,将这个方法推广到求解VTI介质中的单程波偏移。Further, we generalized it to one-way wave migration of VTI medium.