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仅仅是武士道精神?。Only the spirit of Bushido ?

他们一起传递出了武士道精神。They together present the spirit of Bushido.

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武士道是传统日本人灵魂的最高准则。Bushido is the highest principle for traditional Japanese soul.

武士道,即谓寻觅死亡之道。即使是五十余人,也无法杀害真正的武士。Bushido is in being crazy to die. Fifty or more could not kill one such a man.

日本武士道的形成与日本的地理环境因素存在着一定的必然关系。The formation of Bushido has deep relationship with the geographic environment.

而畸变的武士道和日本民族独有的耻感文化则是其产生的思想文化基础。The cultural basis for the issue is the distorted bushido and the unique Japanese shame culture.

这过程对于一个武士道国家,他们不会和我们讨论的,而我们也不要什么讨论。This process for a bushido nation, they can't with we discussion of, but we also want what discussion.

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摘要日本之武人,自古以来坚守武士之道德,称之为武士道。The " samurai " , a warrior of japan since old times observe the samurai moral , it ' s called " bushido "

近代以来武士道被日本军国主义完全利用,成为了侵略、扩张的精神工具。In recent years, the Japanese militarists have taken advantage of Bushido as a way of justifying aggression and expansion.

七个武士形象代表了武士精神的七个方面,他们的总和就是武士道。The image of seven samurais stands for the seven aspects of the spirit of samurai, and these seven aspects are the bushido.

已经为武士道深深着迷的欧格仁,最终选择了与胜元一起,与现代军事文明,决一死战。Bushido has fascinated the Oghren, the final choice and Sheng-Yuan, together with the modern military culture, fight to the death.

这种现象的出现与日本人的生存逻辑、神国意识以及武士精神历史文化传统有着必然的联系。This kind of phenomenon has the inevitable relation to Japaneses survival logic, holy country consciousness as well as the spirit of Bushido.

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我论文的主题是武士道的力和美,我们都知道日本武士,武士道就是日本武士的精神。The theme of my thesis is the force and beauty of Bushido. We all know about the Japanese samurai, and bushido is the spirit of the Japanese samurai.

武士道是关于日本武士遵守的道德原则的规章。它是日本的一个象征,就像日本的国花樱花一样。Bushido is the ethical principle that the Japanese samurai have to comply with. It is a symbol of Japan, just like Japan's national flower-cherry blossom.

今天,即使武士道的行为基础和精神基础都已不存在了,但它作为日本所独有的文化仍深深影响着每一个日本人。Although the behavioral and spiritual foundation of bushido does not exist nowadays, it still exerts a profound effect on every Japanese by its uniqueness.

武士道是和封建制度相伴始终的。封建制正式开始时,专职的武士阶层就产生了。他们就是卫士或随从。Bushido was accompanied by the feudal system. When the feudal system began, the full-time warrior class came into being. They are the guardians or attendants.

武士道是日本民族特有的道德体系,自11世纪产生始,成为日本封建社会居于主导地位的道德规范,统领着日本的民族精神。Bushido is the peculiar moral system of Japan. It was the dominant moral norm, which leading the national spirit of Japan from its emergence in the11th century.

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武士道是自从19世纪晚期以来常用的名字,来形容从远古以来日本武士坚持的独特行为准则。Bushido is a name in common usage since the late 19th century which is used to describe a uniquely Japanese code of conduct adhered to by samurai since time immemorial.

比起盾牌,武士更善于用武器格挡攻击,尤其是双手武器。武器格挡的几率随着武士的武士倒技能和格挡技能的增长而自动提高。Samurai are more adept at parrying with a weapon than a shield ?especially the two-handed variety. This happens automatically as their Bushido skill increases along with Parry.

日本很多武士都不欢迎纳森的到来,他们坚决不肯抛弃传统的武士道精神,对将武士西化十分反感。A lot of cavaliers of Japanese do not welcome Na Sen's arrival, they do not agree to abandon stoutly conventional bushido drive, feel disgusted very to westernizing the cavalier.