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它是疗病补药?Healing tonic?

宁静是疗养。Silence is healing.

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为毕牧师身体的康复代祷。For healing of Rev. Beck.

为邱小妹妹得医治代祷。For healing of Sister Qiu.

这时候,真相宛如一股抚慰伤口的暖流沁入心间。The healing oxygen is truth.

岂都是得恩赐医病的吗。Have all the gifts of healing?

第四天,治愈从哪里来?。DAY4 Where the healing comes from?

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而你将会找回你寻找的那份宁静。And you will find the healing you need.

这是感恩的力量和疗伤作用。There is power and healing in gratitude.

看来她具备治病救人的才能。She seems to have a vocation for healing.

我帮你找到了这瓶治疗药水哦。Elan, I found this healing potion for you.

它是心理治疗墓础。It is the mental healing grave foundation.

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我左手上的伤经过一个星期已经快好了。The wound of my left hand is healing fast.

他们是妙手仁心,是我们的陌生人!They are the Healing Hands, is a stranger!

去疗愈这最大的疏离。Go for healing the big dissociations today.

药物是一种科学,而灵愈是一门艺术。Medicine is a Science, but healing is an art.

这就是心智-情志细胞记忆的康复疗法。This is mental-emotional cell memory healing.

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绿色是疗伤的颜色,大自然的颜色。Green is a healing color, the color of nature.

氢化反式脂肪或愈合椰子油?Hydrogenated Trans Fat or Healing Coconut Oil?

练金术士的治疗喷射范围加大。Alchemist Healing Spray has an increased range.