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符合你的要求。It suits your requirement.

我知道了.有什么要求吗?I see. Is there any requirement?

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按照特力或客人要求。Meet TR or customer requirement.

可由用户定义的需求类型User-definable requirement types

这是一个很荒唐的要求。It is such an absurd requirement.

您有什么特殊要求吗?Do you have any special requirement?

对皮革制品无要求。No requirement for leather products.

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这也是一个迁移要求。This is also a migration requirement.

我们决不降低要求!We will never reduce our requirement.

耐心是教学必备的条件。Patience is a requirement in teaching.

Hessian完美地满足了这种需求。Hessian fits this requirement perfectly.

李美琳的专业入学门槛曾经很高。Li's major had a high entrance requirement.

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现在这个法定准备金率是逐步上升的。Now the reserve requirement is progressive.

管沟深度满足设计要求。Ditching depth meets the design requirement.

法例并无规定版权须予注册。There is no requirement to register copyright.

因此,违反了包容性要求。Thus, the containment requirement is violated.

实际上,干我们这行,幽默是一项必备品。Actually, in this industry, it's a requirement.

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而这一要求如何被执行也同样不明。So is how such a requirement could be enforced.

另一项要求是体力――相当大的体力。The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it.

笑的必要条件是有另一个人存在。The requirement for laughter is another person.