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激情变成困扰。Passions turns into obsession.

这个国家的人时时处处都忘不了吃。Food is an obsession in this country.

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那么社会对身体意象的狂热呢?And society’s obsession with body image?

这或许就是痴迷的状态吧。Maybe this is what obsession looks like.

是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。——余秋雨。Is your pale I wait, irony, my obsession.

我们需要停止对人口增长的执念。We need to stop our obsession with growth.

你和痴迷“核平日本”的论调又来了。You and the "nuked Japan" obsession again.

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幸福的笑靥,盛满了对事业的痴迷。Happy smile, full of obsession with the cause.

追求光鲜体面的外表是意大利人痴迷的执念。Looking good in Italy is a national obsession.

如今。你也是有了念念不忘的男人了啊。Now. You also have an obsession of the men ah.

对于时事的沉迷是冷酷的。The obsession with current events is relentless.

我们并不沉迷于世界霸权。We do not have an obsession with world hegemony.

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街头小报都深谙此道,借机满足了这种欲望。The tabloids know this and satisfy this obsession.

美好社会的梦想,能否已化为执迷?Have your dreams of a better society become an obsession?

该回家了,回到那个充满执念的地方。To go back home, back to that place is full of obsession.

但是往往这个“最好”可能成为一种沈迷,一种过度。However, very often this 'best' can turn into an obsession.

很快地,她减肥的决心成为了一种痴狂。Soon, her determination to drop weight became an obsession.

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这个世界观太执着于稳定性This worldview had, of course, an obsession with stability.

托诺博士从十几岁时就迷恋上了意识。Dr. Tononi’s obsession with consciousness started in his teens.

对这位共和党精英紧咬不放的绝非摩尔一人。Nor was Moore alone in his obsession with the Republican elite.