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什么是传福音?What is Evangelism?

它需要一定程度的传道和领袖工作。It takes a degree of evangelism and leadership.

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节日里还有热闻的斗牛场面和“游方”活动。Festivals and hot smell evangelism "and" bullfighting scene.

我会把传福音归在带领门徒的施洗那部分。I would include evangelism under the baptizing part of discipleship.�

在这样关键的时刻,本应是教会大力开展文宣事工的契机。Such critical moment is indeed a golden opportunity for media evangelism.

事实上,它全面地勾划了福音工作者所面对的各种禾场。In fact it covers all kinds of evangelism wherever the gospel is given out.

向穆斯林传福音估计是所有福音事工里最艰难的一项。Evangelism amongMuslims is probably the most difficult of all missionary tasks.

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这些明智的建议,正是广传福音的关键。These insightful suggestions are the key to effective evangelism around the world.

我们参与很多布道大会,并看到许多人决志信主。We participated in mass evangelism meetings and saw people flow forward in droves.

福音是传道士工作的中心,并且是教会的生命之血。Evangelism is the vital nerve of missionary effort and the lifeblood of the Church.

衣索匹亚—祷告基督徒持续对传福音有一个真正的热情。Ethiopia –Pray that Christians would continue to have a real passion for evangelism.

而更值得注意的是,开植新堂是福音广传的最有效策略。More importantly church planting is the most effective means for outreaching evangelism.

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大使命的主要任务是带领门徒,其次才是传福音。The Great Commission is primarily about discipleship and only secondly about evangelism.�

当我们更严密地看这段经文时,会发现耶稣在给这位井边的妇人传福音时,显示出了优秀的传福音技巧。When we look closely, we can see Jesus' excellent evangelism skills with the woman at the well.

一位在德黑兰盖了新房子的基督徒特意留了一间屋子做个人福音工作室。One Christian who constructed a new house in Teheran built aspecial room for personal evangelism.

如果说在任何一个地方传福音都不容易的话,在穆斯林世界传福音就难上好几倍。If evangelism is a difficult task in any mission field it ismany times more arduous in Muslim lands.

每当门徒谈及预言时,耶稣立刻将谈话转到传福音。When the disciples wanted to talk about prophecy, Jesus quickly switched the conversation to evangelism.

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他在17岁就成了一名基督徒,后来毕业于哈特兰大学,专业是牧师传道。He became a Christian at 17, and he later graduated from Hartland College with a major in pastoral evangelism.

让我们特别为成为基督徒的回民以及在他们当中的宣教士祷告,恳求神为艰难的回民事工开路。Let us pray especially for Muslim converts and the very difficult work of evangelism and church work among them.

福音的内容是永不变化的,因为上帝是永不变化的,耶稣基督昨天、今天、明天和永远也都是一样的。The message of evangelism remains the same. God does not change, and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, todayand forever.