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可伴子宫发育不良。May accompany the hypoplasia of uterus.

我有一个16个月大的孩子,视神经发育不全。I have a 16 month old with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.

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我的女儿就视神经发育不全,我认为这很神奇。My daughter has optic nerve hypoplasia and I think this is amazing.

脑部核磁共显示胼胝体发育不良。Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed hypoplasia of corpus callosum.

脊髓末端圆钝是由于末梢脊髓发育不良。The blunt ending of the cord is due to hypoplasia of the distal spinal cord.

目的探讨先天性肺发育不全的临床特征。Objective To investigate the clinical character of congenital pulmonary hypoplasia.

垂体前叶可以受累而缺失或漏斗发育不良。The anterior pituitary may be affected by absence or hypoplasia of the infundibulum.

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目的探讨低增生骨髓增生异常综合征的由来和发展。Objective To study the origin and progress of myelodysplastic syndrome with hypoplasia.

一种罕见的先天性贫血症,特征是骨髓中的细胞减少。谁是最大的输家?A rare congenital anemia characterized by pancytopenia and hypoplasia of the bone marrow.

颅缝早闭症一定要扩大颅底才能彻底改变颅骨外形,减少以后中面部发育不良。The amplification of skull base by changing skull′s form decreased hypoplasia of mid-face.

顾名思义,最特征的病变是鼻甲发育不全。As is implied by the name, the most characteristic lesion is hypoplasia of the nasal turbinates.

染色体异常是影响男性不育和性腺发育不全的重要因素。Chromosome abnormality is an important factor involved in male infertility and gonadal hypoplasia.

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目的研究下颌前突伴上颌骨发育不全患者术后颜面软组织侧貌改变。Objective Study of lateral soft tissue profile of patients with mandibular protrusion and maxillary hypoplasia.

再生障碍性贫血是骨髓造血功能衰竭所引发的一种综合症,其特征是周边各类血细胞减少、骨髓再生不良。Aplastic anemia is a syndrome of bone-marrow failure characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow hypoplasia.

结果先天性肺发育不全的原因可能与遗传、胚胎早期病毒感染等因素有关。Results The cause of congenital pulmonary hypoplasia may be related with heredity and virus infection early on fetus.

且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara ischium and pubis hypoplasia spinal bifida or child carpale stunt.

婴儿因羊水过少导致的肺发育不良在孕23周早产后死亡。This child died soon after premature birth at 23 weeks gestation from pulmonary hypoplasia as a result of oligohydramnios.

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大量研究证明IL-11可用于治疗化疗或骨髓衰竭引起的血小板减少,甚至对粒、红两系也有不同程度的提升作用。A great lot of researches proved IL-11 can use to treat chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia arising from marrow hypoplasia.

结论显性脊柱裂仔鼠腓肠肌运动终板有发育不全现象。Conclusion there are the phenomena of hypoplasia in the gastrocnemius mep of the neonatal mouses with spina bifid a manifesta.

但弯刀综合征多伴右肺发育不良,心功能情况还须长期随访。The heart function of Scimitar syndrome should be followed-up for a long time for it usually associated with right lung hypoplasia.