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辣椒酱,酱油,醋。Chili paste, Soya sauce, Vinegar.

他把驴拴在一棵树上就卖黄豆去了。He sells soya bean asinine tie on a tree.

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淋入加饭酒,酱油及冰糖。Pour in vodak, soya sauces and rock sugar.

他被一颗黄豆噎住,突然死去。He choked on a soya bean and died suddenly.

加水,陈醋和生抽。Pour in water, vinegar and light soya sauce.

我可能要吃豆浆和油条。I'll probably have soya bean milk and cruller.

用生抽,盐和鸡精调味拌匀。Season with salt, soya sauce and chicken powder.

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还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。Soya beans and sorghum cover the hills and plains.

将白切肉片蘸蒜泥汁食用。Serve cold sliced pork with garlic soya sauce as a dip.

豆酱的味道也很美味,不咸不腻,味道也不会盖过鱼本身的味道。Fish with Soya sauce also quite tasty, and not salty at all.

是在大豆油的种子大豆油的豆科植物。The soya bean is the seed of the leguminous soya bean plant.

但是,索亚在对的时间进入了对的院子。But then Soya wandered into the right yard at the right time.

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大豆纤维,植物油,淀粉,素食调味料。Soya Bean Fibre, Vegetable Oil, Starch, Vegetarian Seasoning.

豉油的起源一直在中日之间长期争论。The origin of soya sauce in sino-japan long-term controversy.

Maggi先生的家族公司是世界上最大的大豆生产商。Mr Maggi’s family company is the world’s biggest soya producer.

大豆纤维,高级蛋白,蔬菜油,批准调味料。Soya Bean Fibre, High Protein, Vegetable Oil, Approved Seasoning.

大西洋森林正在被养牛场和大豆种植地侵蚀。The Atlantic Forest has been cleared to grow beef and soya beans.

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最后可以以个人喜好加入酱清和味琳。Add in some light soya sauce &mirin according to your own flavour.

夏天,拥有着激情般的火热,黄豆大的雨点,阶梯形的闪电。Hot summer, with a passionate, soya bean big rain, step of lightning.

大豆蛋白,淀粉,香菇,蔬菜,素食调味料。Soya Bean Protein, Starch, Mushroom, Vegetable, Vegetarian Seasoning.