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尺骨是组成肘关节的主要骨骼。The ulna forms the chief articulation at the elbow.

语用及构音能力亦由语言样本分析之。Pragmatic skills and articulation abilities are also discussed.

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这个鼓手的特点是军鼓的声音很紧,鼓点清晰。The drummer had a pretty tight snare sound, and nice articulation.

手臂桡骨和尺骨的连接关节是一个枢轴关节。The articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint.

英语准确的音节对于他来说是有些强人所难。He knew what he wanted to say, but the actual articulation was difficult for him.

其他纤维通过连接处融入对侧软骨膜中。Other fibers pass through the articulation to join the contralateral perichondrium.

衔接包括球体关节颈,肩,肘,手腕,腰和旋转。Articulation includes ball-jointed neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and swivel waist.

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有人反对播音员的发音过于规范,这样就显得很不自然。Some persons objected that announcers' articulation was too meticulous to be natural.

联接性是指工件所提供的解决方案的完全程度。Articulation refers to the degree of completeness for the solution the artifacts provide.

因为缺乏这个逻辑的表达,才会产生这些欺瞒诡辩。Because it is for want of this logical articulation that these slippages can be produced.

发音时声带可以振动也可以不振动,但是必须受到气流阻碍的音标。The airstream mechanism is how the air moves through the vocal tract during articulation.

藉著聆听泛音,你将体验到近一步的专注、发音、以及聆听。By listening to overtones you experience improved concentration, articulation and hearing.

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这些提供了一种分类架构,仍然承认有相当范围的文脉清楚度。These offered an ordering framework yet allowed a certain latitude for contextual articulation.

即使在恶劣的声学混响空间这将导致在特殊语音清晰度。This results in exceptional speech articulation even in reverberant spaces with poor acoustics.

如果工件说明了一个解决方案却没有将其实现,那么此资产就只具有低的联接性。If the artifacts specify, but do not implement, a solution, then the asset has low articulation.

第三个表达不会是在个人主观性的层次,而是在社会表达。The third articulation cannot be on the order of individual subjectivity but social enunciation.

是语言说服力与大脑想象力以及在分歧中找出清晰表达方式的意愿。Eloquence and the imagination, and a willingness to find lines of articulation among differences.

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演员的吐字、韵腔,全凭自己的嗓音来定,这更加形成了它的独特的风格。Articulation actor, Yun cavity, depends on its own set of voice, which created a more unique style.

游泳馆的语言清晰度设计是建筑声学和电声学的综合设计。Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design.

指挥家有没有向前催或者请乐队在演奏法和音色上有所变化呢?Does the conductor push forward or ask the orchestra for a difference in articulation or sound quality?