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茴香家酿伏特加。Anise home-distilled vodka.

莫斯科人善饮伏特加酒。Muscovite kind drink vodka.

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他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。He downed the vodka in one gulp.

维克托向我们提供了很多伏特加。Viktor served us a lot of vodka.

他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。He oiled thought with more vodka.

伏特加酒在我们国家多的是。Vodka is plentiful in my country.

这种伏特加酒是正品。The vodka was the genuine article.

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红场,俄罗斯美女,伏特加酒Red Square, beautiful women, vodka.

这伏特加酒很够劲儿。This vodka has a lot of kick in it.

我的好亚历斯,你的伏特加在等你。Your Vodka can wait, my good Alexi.

杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.

昨晚我喝了三杯伏特加酒。Last night, I drank three shots of vodka.

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用伏特加或漱口水把抹布浸湿吧。Soak a washcloth with vodka or mouthwash.

他们有好多伏特加。好伏特加,对。They have lots of vodka. Good vodka, yes.

他挂账买了两瓶伏特加酒。He bought two bottles of vodka on account.

加1茶匙伏特加可以延长保存期限。To increase its life add 1 teaspoon vodka.

油炸肥羊肉伴洋葱,再加上一杯伏特加就是绝配了。Fried mutton fat with onions goes well with vodka.

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各种口感的家酿伏特加酒和力娇酒。Home-distilled vodka and liquers to fit any taste.

啊,那伏特加真难喝,噢,等等,我被传送了!Ugh, that vodka was terrible. Oh wait, I teleported!

平底大玻璃杯中加入冰,伏特加酒。Place ice into a tumbler, add Vodka and Kahlua, stir.