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这道菜非常鲜美可口。This course is quite palatable.

艾伯特烤的这个蛋糕非常好吃。This cake Albert baked is quite palatable.

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她掩饰着真相并使它更有趣味性。She gilds the truth to make it more palatable.

糙米营养丰富,直接炊煮食用有许多弊端。Although rich in nutrition, brown rice is not palatable for direct eating.

主菜没什么味道,不过我加了调味料使它味美可口。The main dish had little flavor, but I made it palatable by adding condiments.

经配制后形成酸甜适口,果香浓郁,色泽鲜亮,营养丰富的复合型果汁饮料。The palatable composite drink with good flavor and rich nutrition was prepared.

如果你一定要吃鲸鱼,那么鲸鱼干肉会比鲜鱼肉来得更美味。If you must have whale, cetacean biltong is more palatable than the fresh stuff.

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他们因此尝起来是苦的,但是可以通过将其伪装在糖衣中而变得可口。They thus taste bitter but can be made more palatable by a camouflaging sugar coating.

我们面临的另一个相当大的挑战就是,如何让这些中古世纪的菜肴符合21世纪人们的口味。We also had quite a challenge to make these dishes palatable to the 21st century taste.

然而,对于许多马克主义者,它保留了太多经济功能而不合胃口。For some Marxists, however, it retains too manyfeatures of that economy to be palatable.

在一封信中,家乐氏说低盐指南是“与美味饮食相矛盾的。”In a letter, Kellogg said that lower salt guidelines were “incompatible with a palatable diet.”

他们将窃取的影响,并通过明年夏天,产生一个驯化,更可口的版本。They will pilfer its effects and, by next summer, produce a domesticated, more palatable version.

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在许多方面卡夫卡的故事正如伊索寓言一样的正确,但更不用说它是一个美味的真理。In many ways Kafka's story is just as true as Aesop's fable, but it is a much less palatable truth.

广式糕点的特点是外面的皮甜,软而松,味美,馅儿多。收集。The skin of the Cantonese style cake is sweet, soft puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing.

因此,世卫组织呼吁开展更多研究以开发适合儿童的可口配方。WHO is therefore calling for more research to develop appropriate, palatable formulations for children.

公司所生产的第一个医学突破性产品是山道年塔糖-一种好吃的驱虫药。The Company produces its first medical breakthrough product, candied santonin-a palatable antiparasitic.

适口口服片剂用于心脏衰竭在狗和猫慢性肾功能不全的治疗。Palatable oral tablet for the treatment of heart failure in dogs and chronic renal insufficiency in cats.

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当他们意识到自己将成为掠食者的我可口食物时,便会轻而易举地弃水而逃。And, if they sense a predator would make them a palatable meal, they would easily escape out of the water.

在烹调中,软化是一种去划分胶质在肉中消耗的过程而去使它更加的美味。In cooking, tenderizing is a process to break down collagens in meat to make it more palatable for consumption.

死亡是令人厌恶的,而我们不能——确实不应该——尝试使其成为愉快的事,或用伪善的陈词滥调对其加以解释。Death is ugly, and we cannot—indeed, should not—try to make it palatable or explain it away with pious platitudes.