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我知道这是一个无赖。I know it is a bummer.

我发现这是一个主要的游手好闲的人。I found this to be a major bummer.

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太遗憾了,世界各地每天都在发生灾难。BUMMER. Chyt happens everyday all over the world.

我们得取消旅行计画了,真扫兴。It's a real bummer that we have to cancel the trip.

感觉是件苦差事。你家的狗会乖乖不动让你刷牙吗?That's a bummer. Does he sit still and let you brush them?

扫兴。那些强悍的人只会唬唬人。他们什么都不知道。Bummer. Those powerful men are just bluffing. They know nothing.

人生只能有一次,这个念头一向就是令人不愉快的经验。The idea of having but one life to lead has always been a bummer.

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鉴于这一切,他们不正是需要他们的艺术是长号太多。Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be bummer too.

这是一种享受,它一直是一个无赖参观结束时位。It was a joy and it was always a bit of a bummer when the tour ended.

在这个全明星的娱乐时间,他们却在面对一些不快乐的事情。Otherwise, the event was a massive bummer for them, coming as it did at such an inconvenient time.

联邦机构的这一决定对两家公司肯定都是一记闷棍,因为谷歌和苹果公司目前都在接受多起由联邦不同级别司法机构发起的调查。That's a big time bummer for Apple and Google, both of which are facing various levels of federal inquiry.

相信我们很多人都有这样不愉快的经历,以为努力投入工作就能收获成功的结果,但往往事与愿违。This is a bummer for many of us who want to believe that putting in the work will yield successful results.

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我不想再跟布莱恩交往下去了,他是万事通万事不精,真是个失败的人。I cant hang out with Brian anymore, hes become the jack of all tirades, nothing but negativity, a real bummer.

伦敦的2012开幕式太让人失望了。今年我很期待,但它太让我失望了。London 2012 such a disappointment on the opening ceremony. I was so excited to see it this year but what a bummer.

如果旧金山的剧院是提出了一个新的播放或音乐,诺顿皇帝,无赖和拉撒路的三个席位。If a San Francisco theater was presenting a new play or musical, Emperor Norton, Bummer and Lazarus had three seats at it.

布鲁诺批判了“懒汉学究群”的无意义的活动,认为真正的劳动者是从事有价值有意义的“劳动”者。Bruno criticized the meaningless activities of bummer and pedant and held that the true laborers are the people who engage in meaningful labor.