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白色骑士,收购竞价中友好的一方。White Knight, a friendly party in a takeover bid.

为什么西克斯和吉雷特拒绝再售?Why are Hicks and Gillett resisting the takeover?

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不过,利兹联可能最后仍无法成为球迷们购买的对象。But Leeds may not be the eventual takeover target.

许多国家曾谴责俄罗斯占领克里米亚这一行动。Many nations have condemned Russia's takeover of Crimea.

他们发现对手的收购出价超过了他们自己的。They found themselves outflanked by the rival takeover bid.

这可以是秘密发起收购的一种方式。This can be a surreptitious method of mounting a takeover bid.

当然,我们绝不允许公司插手我们的民主。Well, we cannot allow the corporate takeover of our democracy.

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然后可以向备用计算机发出接管命令。You can then issue the takeover command on the standby machine.

由逊尼多数派愤怒掌权,将会带来极大风险。The risk of a vengeful takeover by the Sunni majority is too great.

封锁是在零七年哈马斯对加沙的暴力控制后开始的。The blockade followed the violent takeover of Gaza by Hamas in 2007.

如果套汇失败套利者可能会损失大量的钱。If the takeover fails the arbitrageur may lose a great deal of money.

这星期其余时间,你有一连串有关接管问题的会议要开。The rest of the week , you have non-stop meetings about the takeover.

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几个大的收购出价像微软洽购Yahoo!Several large takeover bids failed, such as Microsoft's offer for Yahoo!

第二部分主要是关于收购与反收购的一些价值争论。The second part is arguments of value over takeover and takeover defense.

因此,这个收购对甲骨文来说部分上也是一哥软件收购。The takeover is in part, therefore, another software acquisition for Oracle.

收购市场的活跃引发目标公司反收购的激烈。The activity of takeover excited the intense anti-takeover of target company.

沃尔沃并购案是中国购入欧洲汽车品牌的第一宗,而且发生在中国代替美国成为世界上最大的汽车消费国仅一年后。TheVolvo buyout is the first Chinese takeover of a premium European car marque.

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1988年,科尼斯顿投资公司企图恶意收购吉列公司。In 1988, Coniston Partners attempted a hostile takeover of the Gillette company.

李明博提到东京最近为日本100年前占领朝鲜半岛道歉的事。The President noted a recent apology for Japan's takeover 100 years ago of Korea.

阿森纳主席希尔伍德已经承认,他欢迎俱乐部被收购。Chairman Peter Hill-Wood has admitted that he would welcome a takeover of the club.