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这些血管的皮支吻合丰富。These vessels have rich cutaneous anastomosis.

主动脉弓直接吻合连接术效果较佳。There were good results with direct aortic arch anastomosis.

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确诊后做主动脉弓及降主动脉人工血管吻合术。Aortic continuity was achieved by surgical anastomosis of artificial vessel.

食管胃采取黏膜层和浆肌层分层吻合。Adopt delamination anastomosis for mucosa layer and muscle layer in esophagus.

结果一期切除吻合术56例中,无死亡病例,无吻合瘘。Results Among the 56 cases, no patients died, no anastomosis fistula occurred.

目的为显微外科探索更理想的血管吻合方法。Objective To explore an ideal way of small vessel anastomosis for microsurgery.

结论IPHC对胃肠道吻合口愈合没有不良影响。Conclusions IPHC has no adverse effect on the healing of gastrointestinal anastomosis.

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排便功能低位吻合和超低位吻合手术无差异。There is no difference in the excreting function between low and ultra-low anastomosis.

侧侧吻合术式可作为鼻烟窝内瘘首选术式。Side to side anastomosis is preferred to build anatomical snuffbox arteriovenous fistula.

移植物取自胎儿的甲状旁腺和部分甲状腺,移植至患者的左股部。Parathyroid glands with a part of the thyroid were transplanted with vascular anastomosis.

神经移植体的血供及手术吻合方式对神经再生也有影响。The kind of anastomosis and blood supply of nerve allograft also effect nerve regeneration.

结论FK506对神经端侧吻合侧枝生长具有促进作用。Conclusion FK506 can promote peripheral nerve collateral generation in end-to-side anastomosis.

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绝大多数皮动脉的管径都是在显微外科血管吻合术允许范围之内。The caliber of the most cutaneous arteries is large enough for microsurgical vaso- anastomosis.

首先把原来缝合之处折开,然后以尺屈腕肌转移至桡屈腕肌上来重建腕部屈曲。The original anastomosis was divided first. FCU was transferred to FCR to restor wrist flexion.

目的探讨生物降解吻合环在肠道吻合术中的应用价值。Objective To investigate the value of biofragmentable anastomosis ring in intestinal anastomosis.

胆道重建均采用供肝肝管与受体胆管端端吻合,并置“T”管外引流。The duct-to-duct biliary anastomosis with T tube drainage was used in the biliary reconstruction.

经还原绞死的小肠后,施行部分小肠切除与吻合的手术。After reduction of the hernia, segmental bowel resection with end-to-end anastomosis was performed.

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分月扇舟蛾是我国近几年来严重危害杨树的重要森林害虫之一。Clostera anastomosis was one of the important pests that damaged poplars seriously in recent years.

两侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支之间的吻合,提供了重要的侧支循环血液供应。The anastomosis between the branches from both ICA of CS provided a compensatory supple each other.

一期切除吻合加术后三联抗痨是安全的。Resection and anastomosis after exploration and postoperative antituberculosis therapy is necessary.